Métodos de Apoio à Decisão

Base Knowledge

Mathematic Analysis II

Teaching Methodologies

Teaching methods are expository for theoretical contents and collaborative when solving exercises.

Learning Results

Recognize the potential of decision support methods in the context of Control, Operational Research, Physical Asset Management, with special emphasis on the formulation of decision problems within
this Masters’s course and particularly useful tools to optimize solutions.
Thinking mathematically
Reasoning mathematically
Posing and solving mathematical problems
Modeling mathematically
Representing mathematical identities
Handling mathematical symbols and formalism
Communicating in, with, and about mathematics
Making use of ads and tools


1. Introduction
2. Linear Programming. Simplex method and its variants.
3. Transport problems
4. Matching problems
5. Network problems
6. Non-linear optimization and heuristic methods
7. Fundamental notions of project management
8. Organizational insights
9. Methodologies
10. Graphic representation
11. Resource Planning and Control
Throughout all semester and whenever possible, students will be encouraged to use software that helps their understanding and problems resolution.

Curricular Unit Teachers




– Martins, E.Q.V., Pascoal, M.M.B., Rasteiro, D.M.L.D., Santos, J.L.E.. (Junho 1999). The Optimal Path
Problem, Investigação Operacional, Vol 19, no 1, pp. 43-60. (available at curricular unit Moodle webpage)

– Dias Rasteiro, D.M.L. , 9 – Shortest path problem and computer algorithms. (2020). Editor(s): Jesús Martín-Vaquero, Michael Carr, Araceli Queiruga-Dios, Daniela Richtáriková, In Mathematics in Science
and Engineering, Calculus for Engineering Students, Academic Press. Pages 179-195, ISSN 00765392,
ISBN 9780128172100, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-817210-0.00016-3. (available at curricular unit Moodle webpage)

– Syllabus elaborated by the lecturer. (available at curricular unit Moodle webpage)

– Hillier, F. , Lieberman, G. . (2004). “Introduction to Operations Research”, McGraw Hill. Localização na
Biblioteca: 3-9-56 (ISEC) – 09160

– Dias Rasteiro, D.M.L., Chibeles-Martins, N., 10 – Random variables as arc parameters when solving shortest path problems. (2020). Editor(s): Jesús Martín-Vaquero, Michael Carr, Araceli Queiruga-Dios, Daniela Richtáriková, In Mathematics in Science and Engineering, Calculus for Engineering Students, Academic Press.  Pages 197-219, ISSN 00765392, ISBN 9780128172100, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-817210-0.00017-5.

Additional Bibliography:

– Valadares Tavares, L.. (1996). “Operational Research”. McGraw Hill

– Henggeler Antunes, C., Valadares Tavares, L.. (2000). Cases of Application of Operations Research. McGraw-Hill;

– Romão, M. C. , Pinto, L. S. , Simões, O. , Valente, J. and Vaz Pato, M. . (2011). Investigação Operacional –
Exercícios e Aplicações, Verlag Dashofer.