Base Knowledge
Not applicable
Teaching Methodologies
Lecture (T) classes are expository using a PowerPoint slides projection In practical classes the main techniques and methods used in microbiology for the isolation, growth, identification and characterisation of microorganisms will be applied. All study material is made available through the Moodle platform. Students are encouraged to participate with questions and comments during both lecture and practical classes. The evaluation will be a distributed evaluation with final exam and will have two components: i) Theoretical component grade (TC): TC= Final exam; ii) Practical Component grade (PC): PC=(0.3×Laboratory performance assessment)+(0,7× Report evaluation). The Mark will be: FM=(0,6×TC)+ (0,4×PC). To pass the course unit, students have to abide by the following requirements: minimum grade of 10 in all assessment components.
Learning Results
This course aims to introduce students, in an integrated manner in the grounds of Microbiology. The aim is to students to acquire the following knowledge and skills: i) identify and characterize the main groups of microorganisms; ii) know the nutritional requirements and metabolic diversity of microorganisms; iii) interpret the microbial growth kinetics and the factors that influence their growth; iv) know the microorganisms importance in the environment and their applications with environmental, industrial and medical relevance.
1. The great areas of Microbiology. General features of microorganisms that promote their study/use/control: diversity (prokaryote, eukaryote, virus).
2. Nutrition and microbial growth. Nutritional requirements and metabolic diversity of microorganisms. Microbial growth. Effect of environmental factors and factors that control their development.
3. Microorganisms of natural environments. Soil microbiology. Biogeochemical cycles. Waterborne and food spoilage microbiology.
4. Microorganisms of biotechnological interest. Food, environmental, industrial and medical microbiology.
Methods for the isolation, growth, identification and characterisation of microorganisms.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - classificação final dada pela fórmula: 0,6×(exame final) + 0,4×(0,3x(Desempenho) + 0,7xRelatórios) - 100.0%
Madigan e Martinko, Brock biology of microorganisms, Pearson Education, Inc., San Francisco, 2006
Ferreira, Sousa e Lima. Microbiologia, Lidel, Lisboa, 2010
Montville e Matthews. Food microbiology: an introduction, ASM Press, Washington, 2008
Black. G., Microbiology – principles and explorations, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2005
Pelczar, Chang e Krieg, Microbiologia – conceitos e aplicações, Makron Books, 1996
Willey, Sherwood, Woolverton, Microbiology, McGraw Hill, New York, 2008