Microbiology II

Base Knowledge


10th and 11th grade biology and Microbiology I.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical component: exposition of the syllabus, using audiovisual, promoting interactivity, reflection and discussion.

Practical and theoretical-practical component: laboratory activities to increase practical skills and autonomy. Critical analysis of scientific papers and case studies. Planning of activities suited to the environmental study (PBL). Scientific communication training.

Learning Results


The student must acquire knowledge:

  • To know the different microorganisms found in air, surfaces, soil, food and water.
  • To understand factors that influence microorganisms growth and survival in the different environments.
  • To understand the interactions between microorganisms and with other elements of the ecosystem.
  • To know the different methods of applying microorganisms to environmental treatment.

The student must acquire skills to:

  • Perform collection activities, analysis and interpretation of results regarding microorganisms in the different environments.

The student must acquire competencies to:

  • Integrate knowledge with the possibility of their application in prevention and solving environmental problems.
  • Analyze and to take actions in environmental context, in a competent and integrative way regarding microbiological communities, realizing the potential of microbiology.
  • Critically analyse data/information.
  • Develop autonomy and scientific communication.




1. Environmental aplications of microbiology.

2. Microbiology of the air: (4h)

Atmospheric characteristics and microbial survival; Aerosol and bioaerosol; Air quality in several environmental contexts. Indoor air microorganisms; Airborne diseases; Airborne microorganisms analysis and population control.

3. Microbiology of surfaces/objects; (2h)

4. Soil microbiology: (7h)

Importance of prokaryotes in biogeochemical cycles (carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, iron and phosphorus); Soil constitution, populations and their distribution. Determinants of the existence of microorganisms in the soil and susceptibility to contamination;Functions of soil microorganisms;Symbiotic associations;Bioremediation and biorecovery. Pesticides degradation; Diseases transmitted by contact with soil;

5. Food Microbiology: (5h)

Microorganisms as food deterioration agents, resistance to colonization: intrinsic and extrinsic factors; Food preservation processes and microorganisms in food production; Microorganisms as pathogens: infections and intoxications. Food security and food safety

6. Water Microbiology: (6h)

Physical and chemical factors that influence the colonization of a water mass. Microorganisms in aquatic environments: marine environment, fresh and brackish waters; biofilms and microbial mats; water-borne diseases. Legislation and quality indicators; wastewater treatment . Artificial biological purification. Monitoring the effectiveness of wastewater treatment;

7. Microbiology of urban/municipal solid waste: (4h)

Composition and management. Biological decomposition; Composting: microbiological aspects and applications. Anaerobic digestion and Enzymatic Hydrolysis; Biodegradation and bioremediation; Metals in the environment: sources, toxicological effects and microbial resistance to metals. Microbial remediation.

8. Industrial and applied microbiology: (2h)

Industrial uses of microrganisms; Bioreactors; microorganisms and alternative energy.


Theoretical-Practical and Practical: (15h+15h)

Comparative observation of microorganisms associated with different environments. Environmental factors that influence microbial growth and survival. Detection and counting of microorganisms from different environments. Microorganisms as pollution indicators. Diversity and metabolism namely of soil microorganisms and in symbiosis. Food contamination contexts and microbiological analysis. Water microbiological testing.

Search for scientific literature and critical analysis of scientific papers and case studies.

Activities planning/projects for environmental study in microbiological context.


Curricular Unit Teachers





Primary bibliography:

Hurst C., Crawford R., Knudsen G., McInerney M., Stetzenbach L..(2007).  Manual of Environmental Microbiology, 3rd Ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington DC.

Mandigan M., Martinko J. Bender K., Buckley D. Stahl D..Brock. (2012). Biology of Microorganisms (14th Edition). Pearson Education (US).

Ferreira, W.E.C., Sousa, J.C.F. & Lima, N. (Coor,ds.) (2010). Microbiologia. Lidel Edições Técnicas, Lda., Lisboa.

Tortora G., Funke B., Case C..(2006). Microbiologia, 8ª Ed.  Artmed Editora. Porto Alegre. Brasil.


Secundary bibliography:

Moreira, F.M.S. & Siqueira, J.O. (2006). Microbiologia e Bioquímica do Solo. 2ª edição. Editora UFLA, Lavras.

Pepper I, Gerba C., Gentry T. (2015). Environmental Microbiology (3rd edition) Academic Press (elsevier) USA.