Models and Practices of Adult Education

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

This curricular unit is a discovery space, where students experiment and consolidate reflection, critical and practical skills. Adults education and training main models will be applied in classes, as that will be developed strategies and applied adults education and training techniques.
The assessment follows the Policy of ESEC The students can choose one of the following modes: continuous assessment or exam. Continuous assessment includes the quality of the individual contribution of participation in activities within the curricular unit (50%) and an individual assignment (50%: written work (25%) and Presentation and Discussion (25%).The exam is presented in the form of written test without consultation (100%).

Learning Results

1. To know and reflect about formal or non formal adult education models or theoretical proposals; deducting principles for action in formal and/or non formal community contexts.
2. To reflect about cultural, economic and social’s changes due to technological and media expansion; and understand impacts on adult education policies and services and community education services.
3. To know, reflect and deduct about adult’s learning principles which means critically to know, select, apply and analyze adults education strategies and techniques in the learning process.
4. To recognize different adult training or education systems and spaces as well as understand their singularities.


1. Adult education: definition of its universe of theories, policies, practices and experiences.
2. Adult Education in Portugal, in Europe, and in the World.
3. How adults learn.
4. Models and strategies for adult education:
4.1. Paulo Freire: co-constructing the practice of freedom.

4.2. Ivan Illich: the proposal of a convivial society.

4.3. Malcolm Knowles’ Andragogy and self-directed learning.

4.4. Transformative learning and Change-oriented Adult Education.
4.5. Critical Educational Gerontology.
5. Programs and learning environments organization in adult education: methodologies and strategies.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Avaliação contínua
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 50.0%




CNE (2019). Educação e formação de adultos [RT]. DR 2.a s n 135 de 17/06/2019, Recomendação 2/2019.
CNE (2020). Educação de Adultos: Ninguém pode ficar para trás. CNE.
Daffron, S.; Caffarella, R. (2021). Planning Programs for Adult Learners: A Practical Guide. J-B.
EAEA (2019). Manifesto for Adult Education in the 21st century. EAEA.
Freire, P. (1975). A pedagogia do Oprimido.
EC/EACEA/Eurydice (2021). Adult education and training in Europe.
Melo, A., Lima, L. & Guimarães, P. (2021). Actualidade da Educação Permanente, APCEP.
OECD (2020). Strengthening Quality. Assurance Adult Education and Training in Portugal. OECD.
Soeiro, D., & Parreiral, S. (2018). Case Study Letters for Life, Portugal. ILL, UNESCO.
Soeiro, D., Santos, L., Parreiral, S., & Patrão, C. (2022). Letras Prá Vida a Esperançar com Paulo Freire. Cadernos De Sociomuseologia, 63(19), 117-127.
UNESCO (2022). 5th Global Report on Adult Learning and Education. Citizenship education: Empowering adults for change. ILL.