Morphology and Histotechnology

Base Knowledge

Anatomy, Histology, Macroscopy, Histotecnology and Pathology

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical development of the program contents previewed using an expository and interactive method.
Evaluation of technical competence in macroscopy – practical implementation with a macroscopic report, of 50
surgical parts – Biopsies and surgical parts.
Theoretical examination of morphology and histotechnology.

Learning Results

The student must acquire knowledge and skills in order to:
-Use a scientific and technical language to interpret the morphology and diseases, in Pathological Anatomy
-Integrate teams of molecular pathology
-Recognize the diseases in surgical products and parts
– Perform morphological interpretation and collection of fragments for diagnosis, as well as in the
anatomical and clinical autopsies of adult and developmental pathology.

The student must acquire competences in:
-Identification of the products received
-Use of the specialty’s equipment
-Application of the procedures appropriate for the diagnosis and preservation of pieces
-Autonomy as Histopathology and Cytopathology Technician
-Autonomy as Macroscopic Morphology Technician


The subject of Morphology and Histotechnology emphasizes the technical roles and theoretical and scientific
knowledge of the professional of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences:
-Knowledge of the molecular bases of diseases and scientific and technical understanding
-Interpretation of products handled and processed in Laboratories of Pathological Anatomy for diagnosis. -Cytological Interpretation of routine and appropriate technology – execution of cytoblocks.
-Morphological Interpretation and collection of fragments in anatomical and clinical autopsies of adult and
development pathology – with strict protocols support.
-Strengthening of the scientific language of inflammatory, degenerative and neoplastic diseases to be applied in the
implementation of a macroscopy.
-Techniques and equipment upgraded to respond to diagnosis requests.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Primary Reference:

1. Bancroft, J. & Gamble, M. (2002). Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques (5.ªed.). London: Churchill Livingstone.

2. Moral, Raimundo Garcia del (1993). Laboratório de Anatomia Patológica (1ª ed.). Madrid: McGraw-Hill – Interamericana de Espana.

3. Carson, Freida (2000). Histotechnology: A Self-Instrumentation Text (2ª Ed.). American Society Clinical Pathology  

Secondary Reference:

– John D. Bancroft (2013) Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques, Churchill Elsevier

–  Luna, L. (1992). Histopathologic Methods and Color Atlas of Special Stain and Tissue Artifacts. Maryland: Ameerican Histolabs.

– Kiernan, J.A. (2208) Histological and histochemical Methods (4th Ed). England:Scion Publishing Ltd ISBN:9781904842422.