Motor Development

Base Knowledge

Not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

This curricular unit will be taught in sessions where fundamental concepts and “state of the art” of motor
development are presented. Students will also have to do some research in bibliographic databases, and they
will be discussed during classes. It will also be asked to students some practical work consisting about childhood’s motor behavior observation and assessment.
To study for this subject, school’s e-learning platform and the referred bibliographic documents shall be used.
This course’s evaluation will be ran through an oral evaluation and a work about a topic on Motor

Learning Results

1. To know Motor Development study goals.
2. To know developmental theories on motor behavioral changes.
3. To describe and interpret growth and biological maturation processes and major changes in body
composition and morphology during childhood.
4. To describe movement and fundamental motor skills development processes during childhood.
1. To identify and critically analyze concepts, explanatory theories and variables that influence or determine
motor behavioral changes during childhood.
2. To know how to analyze growth, maturation and body composition changes during childhood.
3. To identify, know, understand and apply morphological observation and assessment, techniques.
4. To identify and understand the principles and motor abilities’ qualitative and quantitative changes during
childhood and their relationship between development and performance.


1. Goals for the study in Motor Development Early Motor Development and Play
2. Main concepts in Motor Development;
3. Motor Development in childhood explanatory theories and models;
4. Maturation and growth. Growth normal representation. Body composition. Body systems’ growth.
5. Human motor development stages. Reflex movements, fundamental motor skills.
6. Principles of motion and stability: Development of human locomotion;
7. Characterization, classification and assessment of fundamental motor skills: locomotive and manipulative

Grading Methods

  • - Individual oral test - 100.0%




Cratty, B. (1986). Perceptual and motor development of infants and children. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.
Eckert, H. (1993). Desenvolvimento motor. S. Paulo: Ed. Manole.
Lohman, T., Roche, A., Martorell, R. (1988) Anthropometric standardization reference manual. Champaign,
Human Kinetics.
Gabbard C (1992). Lifelong motor development. Madison: Brown & Benchmark Publishers.
Gallahue D & Ozmun J (2005). Compreendendo o Desenvolvimento Motor . São Paulo: Phorte Editora.
Haywood & Getchell N (2004). Desenvolvimento motor ao longo da vida. São Paulo: Artmed.
Payne G & Isaacs L (1995 ). Human motor development . Mountain View : Mayfield.
Kalveboer, A., Hopkins, B., Geuze, R., (1993) Motor development in early and later childhood. Cambridge
University press: Cambridge.
Malina, R., Bouchard, C., Bar-or, O. (2004) Growth, Maturation and Physical Activity. (2ª ed.) Champaign.
Human Kinetics.
Piek, J. (2006) Infant Motor Development. Champaign Human. Kinetics.