Musealization and Interpretation of the Heritage

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The teaching program involves the presentation of the syllabus in the classroom by the teacher, calling for the intervention of the student in the teaching process, the content presentation by the teacher followed by group work, the organization of study visits, the organization of a work and its oral presentation.The evaluation was organized according to the academic regulation of the 1st Cycle of Studies of the IPC. In this sense, the continuous evaluation will be based on the organization of practical work by students inside or outside the classroom (10%) of a written test (40%) and organizing of a work and oral presentation (50% ). A evaluation by examination is based on the achievement of a single written test to be carried out at the end of the semester.

Learning Results

1.know the potential relationship between Heritage, Museums and Tourism
2.Understand the musealization as a means of exploitation of a heritage
3.Understand the concepts of museology and museography.
4.Understand developments in the context of Museums
6.Understand the interpretation of heritage as a way of developing a heritage
7. Understand the educational role of the Museum in its relation with the interpretation of heritage
8.Understand the relevance of interpretation of the heritage tourist level


1. The musealization an the preservation of the property
1.1 The musealization and the enhancement of the heritage
1.2.Concepts of Museology and Museography
1.3. Design and structure of a Museum: developments
1.4. Broadening the concept of heritage museum
1.5. Factors underlying the new practices connoisseurs that occurred in the last decades of the last century
1.6.Conservation, exhibition and dissemination of subject museum
1.7. Strategies to enhance the Museum with a view to attracting visitors
1.8. Historical verview about the Museum in Portugal
2. The interpretation of the heritage and the dissemination of the property: its relevance for Tourism
2.1. The interpretation of the heritage as a means of communication
2.2. The educational activity of the Museum and heritage interpretation
2.3. The interpretation centers and promotion of cultural heritage
2.4. Relevance of heritage interpretation for tourist
3. Museums analysis / interpretation centers in Portugal

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing evaluation
  • - Frequency - 40.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




CAMPOS, R.(2021). Museums, Tourism and Interpretation of the Heritage. In Rosa dos Ventos- Turismo e Hospitalidade, v. 13, nº3, pp. 894-900.
CARVALHO, A. (2011). Os museus e o património cultural imaterial. Colibri.
FERNÁNDEZ, A. L. (2002). Introducción a la Nueva Museologia. Alianza Editorial.
MAGALHÃES, F. (2005). Museus, Património e Identidade. Ritualidade, Educação, Conservação, Pesquisa, Exposição. Proedições.
MENDES, J. A. (2009). Estudos do Património. Museus e Educação. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
MESTRE, J. S. M & CARDONA, F.X.H (Dirs.) (2010). Conceptualizando la nueva museologia. Trea.
NAVARRO, M. S. & RIERA, R. G. (2012). Museo y comunidad. Un museo para todos los públicos. Trea.
VALENCIA, P. P. (2010). Tener un buen plan. Trea.