Natural Engineering

Teaching Methodologies

In addition to the oral presentation of the topics included in the syllabus, includes practical lessons in ESAC campus.

Learning Results

As a result of the learning process is intended that the student:
1. Knows concepts, techniques and applications of Bioengineering.
2. Devise, implement and monitor alternative projects depending on the characteristics of degraded areas and the
intended objectives.
3. Produce, implement and monitor projects of Bioengineering applied to natural areas for Biodiversity improvement and enhancement of Conservation of Nature.


Module 1. Introduction to Bioengineering. Definition of sustainability criteria Bioengineering, application fields, advantages, limitations and operational constraints, Materials, the vegetation as a living building material, features and biotech behavior, criteria for selection of autochthonous species and methods of collection and application period.
Module 2. Techniques of Bioengineering, use typologies and application domains, cover/coating techniques, stabilization techniques, combined techniques and complementary techniques. Projects: biophysical elements of design, the preliminary project to final execution project, specifications, monitoring and tracking. Case studies in the field of Biodiversity and Nature Conservation. The engineering at the service of Biodiversity.

Grading Methods

Avaliação por Exame
  • - Trabalho Prático - 25.0%
  • - Exame Teórico-Prático - 75.0%
Avaliação Contínua
  • - Trabalho Prático - 25.0%
  • - Teste Teórco-Prático - 75.0%




Cortina, J., R.M. Vallejo. 2004. Restoration Ecology. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems. UNESCO-EOLSS Publishers Co.

Mitsch, W.J., S.E. Jørgensen. 2004. Ecological Engineering and Ecosystem Restoration. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.

Andrews, J., D. Kinsman. 1990. Gravel pit restoration for wildlife: a practical manual. RSPB. Bedfordshire.

Clewell, A., J. Rieger, J. Munro. 2005. Guidelines for Developing and Managing Ecological Restoration Projects, 2nd Edition. Society for Ecological Restoration International

Hobbs, R.J., K.N. Suding (eds.) 2009. New models for ecosystem dynamics and restoration. Society for ecological restoration, Island Press, Washington, DC

Cortes, R.M.V. 2004. Requalificação de cursos de água. Instituto da Água, Lisboa.

Moreira, I., , M.T. Ferreira. 2002. Ecossistemas Aquáticos e Ribeirinhos – Ecologia, Gestão e Conservação. INAG, Lisboa.

Fernandes, J.P., A. Freitas. 2011. Introdução à Engenharia Natural. EPAL.