Learning Results
The fundamental objective of the discipline of Negotiation and Conflict Management is to promote theoretical and
practical knowledge relating to the constructive management of conflict, taking into account the organizational
reality and the level of negotiation strategies, tactics and tools for trading.
It is intended to identify types of conflicts, manage them appropriately, using skills and techniques of negotiation
so situational, aiming lead divergences and convergences of interests to fruition.
Wanted students to acquire skills and a diverse set of methodologies and techniques in order to develop
intervention skills (communication, interpersonal and social psychology) for effective performance in trading.
An ancillary, the course also aims to develop in students the skills level:
– Thinking and critical analysis / self learning / Oral and written communication /
and teamwork.
1 – Introduction to the genesis of the conflict
2 – Concepts and approaches to the process of conflict
3 – Types of conflict
4 – The nature of negotiation
5 – Negotiation: scope, strategy and planning
6 – Techniques and tactics of conflict resolution
7 – Mediation: characteristics, effectiveness, and the role of mediator
8 – Communication and negotiation process: assertiveness and influence
9 – The role of the leader in conflict management
10 – Ethics and negotiation
11 – Development of Practical models
AMACON/WISINSKI, J. Como Resolver Conflitos no Trabalho. São Paulo: Campus, 1997.
BAZERMAN, M. H., & NEALE, M. A. (1993). La negociación racional – En un mundo irracional. Barcelona:Paidós.
BERCOVITCH, J. (1984). Problems and approaches in the study of bargaining and negotiation. Political Science,
vol. 36 (2), p. 125-145.
COMPÉRE, Bernard. (2002). Régulation des Conflits du Travail, cãs pratiques pour DRH. Éditions d’ Organisation
CUNHA, P. (2000). Estratégias e Tácticas de Negociação: Para um Modelo de Eficácia Negocial. Tese de
Doutoramento. Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
CUNHA, P. (2001). Conflito e Negociação. Porto: Asa.
CUNHA, P. (Org.) (2004). Mediação – Uma Forma de Resolução Construtiva de Conflitos. Porto: Edições UFP.
FISHER, R. & BROWN, S. (1990). Como Chegar a um Acordo – A Construção de um Relacionamento que Leva ao
Sim. Rio de Janeiro: Imago.