New Media Sociology

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

It will be used in this curricular unit an expository methodology, taking as its starting point the theoretical foundations of the discipline. This methodology will be complemented by the illustration of the theoretical principles from the use of empirical data. Use will be made of recent scientific articles that demonstrate the applicability of the theory to concrete situations. Students will be able to choose the form of Periodic Assessment (a written test, weighting 65%, and a practical assignment, weighting 50%) or Examination. There is a minimum grade of 8.0 values in each of the elements of the Periodic Assessment for approval in the course. The Exam Assessment will consist of a written test on all subjects, which will constitute 100% of the final grade.

Learning Results

It is intended that, once the curricular unit is completed, the student:
A) Understand the phenomenon of digital communication in a social perspective
B) Acquire an integrated theoretical perspective on the main research topics of the discipline
C) Demonstrate the ability to apply this knowledge in solving research problems and performing communication practices (in the context of different professional activities in this area).


Digital Media Studies and Social Construction of Reality
I Online Public opinion and pseudo-environments
II Agenda-Setting in the digital era.
III Framing in the digital plattforms
IV Spiral of Silence in the social networks.
V Uses and Gratifications and new media consume.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Periodical evaluation
  • - Frequency - 50.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




BOYD, D., É Complicado, As vidas sociais dos adolescentes em rede, Lisboa, Relógio d’Água, 2015.
CARDOSO, G., Os Media na Sociedade em Rede (2ª ed.), Lisboa, Gulbenkian, 2014.
DEUZE, M, Media Life, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2012.
FERREIRA, G. B., Novos Media e Vida Cívica: estudos sobre deliberação, internet e jornalismo, Livros LabCom, Covilhã, 2012.
FERREIRA, G. B., Sociologia dos Novos Media, Covilhã, Labcom, 2018.
FIUCHS, C., Social Media, a critical introdution, Londres, SAGE, 2014.
SLEVIN, J. Internet e Sociedade, Porto, Temas e Debates, 2002.
SUNSTEIN, C. R. #republic, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2018..