Non formal Education with Specific Populations

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

A participative and active methodology is developed in a way that each student or student group builds up knowledge on NFE. Classes are dynamic and integrate a wide range of information and knowledge along with critical analysis. With this methodology students will be able to develop collaborative work strategies on NFE, as a preparation laboratory for professional challenges. In a first approach theory topic are presented and discusses, as a support to real intervention on specific contexts. On a second approach these theory topics and NFE values are implemented on a social and educative intervention project based on Theater and dramatic expression. Final test: written test. Frecuency assessment: production, presentation and defence in class of an intervention project (50% of the final mark) and its presentation as a final descriptive paper (50% of the final mark); group work students’ provision is differenciable.  

Learning Results

This curricular unity aims the development of skills on the professional profile of theatre intervention on people and communities. Therefore, it regards the following outcomes:
a) Learning the potentialities of Non Formal Education and how to implement them in the intervention with specific groups such as: children; youth; adults; elderly; prisoners; disabled people; unemployed people; immigrants; in risk communities; and others.
b) Manage and animate educative interventions, regarding personal, social and cultural development of people, groups and communities related to these specific situations, considering its specifications.
c) To plan, execute and evaluate non formal educative interventions.
d) To manage collaborative and dynamic partnership relationships, on an organizational level.


1. Non Formal Education (NFE): Conceptual, theory, historical and social contexts
1.1. Formal, Non Formal, Informal education
1.2. NFE and Long Life Education
1.3. NFE in portuguese, european and international contexts
2. Methodological strategies and training practices
3. NFE as a personal and social transformation
4. The role of people in the educational process
4.1. Specificities, needs and potentialities of different types of groups
4.2. Services, projects and social educative actions targeting different types of groups
5. Theatre and Non Formal Education
5.1. Theatre and drama as an educational instrument to promote citizenship and valorisation of people, groups and communities
5.2. Project planning, execution and evaluation of projects on non formal education through drama

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Periodical evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 100.0%




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