Occupational Health

Base Knowledge

Professional framework of the TSA in the areas of Occupational Health (DL 117/95).

Teaching Methodologies

– Use of interactive audiovisual media in theoretical classes;
– Analysis/discussion of case studies in theoretical-practical classes;
– Carrying out study visit(s) to reinforce understanding of knowledge (if possible);
– Carrying out research work in groups, to reinforce the understanding of the syllabus

Whenever possible, participation/organization in activities/events framed in the themes of the Curricular Unit will be promoted.

Learning Results

• Make students aware of the relationship between work and health (disease) in the main sectors of activity.
• Explain some of the essential concepts in occupational health.
• Understand the relationship between work and health (disease) through examples of some risk factors of a professional nature.
• Identify and distinguish the main prevention activities developed by an Occupational Health Service.
•    Adaptability
• Guidance for problem solving
•    Proactivity
•    Effective communication
• Autonomy
• Respect for ethical principles
Skills to be Developed
• Analysis of occupational injury risk factors in different work contexts.
• Envision the application of different methodologies to assess the adequacy of the workstation to its user.
• Know and relate the factors that influence the well-being of workers and, consequently, their work performance.


Introduction to Occupational Health
Historical evolution and conceptualization of Occupational Health
purpose and objectives
Multifactorial health concept
Main areas and scope of occupational health intervention
Occupational pathologies
work accidents
Professional diseases
Legal framework for hygiene, safety and health at work
Rights, duties and guarantees of the parties
levels of prevention
information and training
The supervisory entities
Sectorial regulations on hygiene, safety and health at work
Occupational risk factors
The general principles of prevention and their application to occupational health activity
Organization of safety, hygiene and health services at work
The diagnosis of the occupational health situation
Good Practices in different sectors of activity

Curricular Unit Teachers




 Primary Bibliography

Nogueira, José Rocha ; Moreira, Sandra – Programa nacional de saúde ocupacional (PNSOC) : extensão 2018/2020. Lisboa : Direção-Geral da Saúde, 2018. xix, 24 p.

Santos, Gustavo José Arouche – Implementação e avaliação de um programa de ginástica laboral [Documento eletrónico] : efeitos nos níveis de burnout e nos sintomas musculoesqueléticos. Coimbra, 2017. 1 CD-ROM em caixa

Loureiro, António José Pereira – Qualidade do ar interior em lares de idosos e a exposição ocupacional aos poluentes atmosféricos. Coimbra : IPC. ESTeSC, 2015. 99, [9] p.

Quental, C. – Avaliação da exposição dos profissionais de saúde a radiações ionizantes na medicina nuclear em Coimbra. Coimbra : ESTeSC, 2013. [32] p.

Faria, Mário Humberto de – A ergonomia em saúde ocupacional [Brochura] : limites e perspectivas. Oeiras : SO – Intervenção em Saúde Ocupacional, s.a., 2009. 35 p.

Pinto, Marta Jorge de Vasconcelos – Percepción y riesgo de exposición laboral a agentes biológicos en centros de clasificación de residuos e vertederos. Léon : Universidad de Léon, 2012. cii, 402 p

Portugal. Direcção-Geral da Saúde. Divisão de Saúde Ocupacional – Medidas de controlo de agentes biológicos nocivos à saúde dos trabalhadores. Lisboa : DGS, 2004. 48 p.. ISBN 972-675-107-1

Rodrigues, Alice [et al.] – Exposição a agentes químicos [Brochura]. 1ª ed. Lisboa : IDICT, 2003. 48 p.. ISBN 972-8321-61-9

Gonelha, Luís Maldonado ; Saldanha, Ricardo Azevedo – Segurança, higiene e saúde no trabalho em estaleiros de construção : Decreto-Lei nº 273/03, de 29 de Outubro anotado e comentado. 2ª ed. Lisboa : Associação Forum Mercados Públicos, 2006. 305 p.. ISBN 978-972-99890-0-1

Carreira, Abel [et al.] – Segurança, higiene e saúde do trabalho : um guia prático imprescindível para a sua actividade diária. 1ª ed. Lisboa : Verlag Dashöfer, cop. 2009. 1 vol., (f. soltas de pag. var. em dossier A5). ISBN 978-972-98385-2-1


Secondary Bibliography

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