Operating Systems II

Base Knowledge

Basics of:
– Operating Systems;
– Data Communication Networks;
– Programming Language(s) C/C++.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical classes:
– Presentation and theoretical discussion of the subjects taught.
Practical classes:
– Very short sessions of introduction of new topics and examples.

Learning Results

This curricular training unit aims to achieve the following objectives in terms of Operating Systems technologies:
Understanding advanced topics related to the basic functions of OS. To approach the theme, so that it is possible to describe and distinguish at the level of composition, internal architecture and operation of OS in general, focusing on Windows family systems
Acquire the ability to use and administer in Win environment
Acquire fundamentals for the development of applications in Win environment, as well as understand the programming model for this family of systems

It is intended that students acquire the following competencies/Skills:
Identify the underlying concepts of OS
Develop the ability to install and configure:
– Win-based servers and computers
– Virtual environments
– Services in Win
Develop the ability to build:
– PowerShell scripts for sys.admin.
– Programs for win environment
Acquire competence to identify & implement security measures on Win syst


Internal operation of operating systems. Memory management. I / O management. Models and mechanisms of protection and privileges. File systems.
Advanced system topics: Virtualization. Techniques and tools.
Fundamentals of Windows operating systems, NT family: Architecture and Components.
Windows file system. Permissions and security. User management.
Use and manage Windows systems on the graphics console. Management tools. NT Services.
Administration of Windows systems in console mode. Console administration tools.
PowerShell programming. Administration of Windows systems in PowerShell scripts.
Installation and configuration of typical Windows servers and services.
Introduction to the Windows environment programming model.

Grading Methods

Avaliação Contínua
  • - Trabalho Prático - 12.5%
  • - Fichas de trabalho / Testes práticos - 37.5%
  • - Exame final - 50.0%
Avaliação Por Exame
  • - Trabalho Prático - 12.5%
  • - Fichas de trabalho / Testes práticos - 37.5%
  • - Exame - 50.0%




José Marques; Paulo Ferreira; Carlos Godinho; Luís Veiga; Rodrigo Rodrigues, Sistemas Operativos, FCA

Herbert Schildt, Windows NT 4 Programming, Osborne McGraw Hill

José Alves Marques; Paulo Guedes, Fundamentos de Sistemas Operativos (3ª Ed.), Editorial Presença