Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
1. Expository, through using the explanation of the contents through audiovisual media 2. Active, through the analysis and resolution of practical cases proposed
3. Collaborative, through group work.
Learning Results
i. Identify the importance of operations management over time ii. Recognize the planning an control functions in operations management iii. Identify the basic methodology of project management iv. Apply stock management methodologies
v. Recognize the quality management importance vi. Acquire Lean Management concepts
1. Introduction to Operations Management
1.1. The historical evolution
1.2. Objectives of Production Management and Operations
1.3. Productivity and competitiveness
1.4. The role os production in global strategy
2. Management by Project
2.2. GANTT Graphic
3. Demand forecast
4. Plannnig Operations
5. Inventory Management
5.1. Objectives of Inventory Management
5.2. Economic management of stocks
5.3. Safety Stock
6. MRP
7. The quality control in operations management
7.1. Statistical quality control
8. Lean management
Grading Methods
- - Indicidual writing test, with 50% weight - 50.0%
- - - Group work, weighting 25%, whose objective is to diagnosis of an operations management and do improvementsuggestions - 25.0%
- - - Case study, weighting 25%, whose objective is to solve a case on operations management - 25.0%
- - Evaluation through a final exam consisting of a written assessment individual test - 100.0%
Lisboa, J. e C. Gomes – Gestão de Operações, 2ª Edição, Vida Económica, 2008
Courtois, A. et al. – Gestão da Produção, 5ª Edição, Lidel, 2007
Krajewski, L. et al. – Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains, 11ª Edição, Prentice Hall, 2015
Pinto, J. – Gestão de Operações, 3ª Edição, Lidel, 2010
Rodrigues, C. – Introdução à Gestão das Operações, 1ª Edição, Rei dos Livros, 2008
Roldão, V. e J. Ribeiro – Gestão das Operações, 1ª Edição, Monitor, 2007
Stevenson, W. – Operations Management, 12ª Edição, McGraw-Hill, 2014