Optimization in Territory Planning

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Classes alternate betwen presentations (and discussion) of contents and the production of practical work on contemporary spatial planning challenges. Evaluation is obtained by exam and by presenting the practical work. Presentations should be performed in front of classmates and external guests.

Learning Results

A. Ability to solve territory planning problems.

B. Ability to develop, present and discuss territorial planning works.

C. Knowledge of concepts, methodologies and techniques for planning collective equipments and routes of transport services.



1. Comtemporary challenges for spatial planning. How to think about them? Challenges that may be subject to optimization.

2. Planning of collective facilities – Essential notions; Typology; Role of the public sector; Difference

for the private sector.

3. Optimization Techniques – Formulations of the location problem.

4. Resolution methods – Modeling development.

5. Introduction to advanced models.


Curricular Unit Teachers




Antunes, A.P. (2006). Lições de Planeamento de Equipamentos Colectivos. Universidade de Coimbra

Carvalho, J.; Marinho, R. (2013). Planeamento de Equipamentos Locais. Ed. Jorge Carvalho. https://ordenaracidade.org/trabalhos/#planeamento-de-equipamentos-locais

Daskin, M. S. (1995). Network and Discrete Location: Models, Algorithms and Applications. Wiley.