Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The curricular unit’s content will be developed through theoretical and practical lessons,where models and theoretical concepts will be presented. Also, analysis and discussion of texts/legislation as well as practical work will be adopted.
Students can opt for continuous assessment or assessment by exam.
Continuous assessment is based on the permanent involvement and quality of student participation in group activities in carrying out group work (50%) and an eportefólio (50%).
The assessment by exam consists of a written test that addresses all the topics covered (100%).
Learning Results
– Recognize the importance of organizational variables of education in teaching-learning processes and in the behavior and attitudes of Educators;
– Get to know the main models of analysis and organizational management, concerning educational institutions;
– Get to know the Portuguese Education System, its guiding principles and organization;
– Adopt practices acording to the orientations expressed in the Foundation Law of the Education System and the Regime of Autonomy and Administration of Schools;
– Identify the different management units and pedagogical coordenation departments and their competencies.
Module 1- The educational institution as an organization.
Module 2 – Organizational communication and leadership processes
Module 3 – The regime of autonomy, administration and management of preschool and elementary school public institutions
Module 4 – Private and Cooperative Educational Institutions and Private Institutions of Social Solidarity: contexts of educational activity
Module 5 – The process of teachers and schools’s evaluation
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - E-Portfolio - 50.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
Barreira, C., Bidarra, M. & Vaz-Rebelo, M. (2016). Estudos sobre Avaliação Externa de Escolas. Educação e Formação. Porto Editora.
Day, C. (2001). Desenvolvimento Profissional de Professores – os Desafios da Aprendizagem Permanente. Porto Editora.
Flores, M., & Ferreira, F. (2009). The Induction and mentoring of new teachers in Portugal: Contractions, needs and opportunities. Research in Comparative an International Education, 4 (1),63-73.
Lima, L. & Torres, L. (2020). Políticas, dinâmicas e perfis dos agrupamentos de escolas em Portugal. Análise Social, 4 (237), 748-774.
Machado, J. (2013). A rede escolar e a administração das escolas: Novos e velhos desafios. In J. Machado & J. M. Alves (orgs.), Melhorar a escola – sucesso escolar, disciplina, motivação, direção de escolas e políticas educativas (pp. 141-152). FEPUCP.
Nóvoa, A. (2009). Professores – Presente Futuro. Lisboa: Educa.
UNESCO (2016). Repensar a Educação – Rumo a um bem comum mundial? UNESCO