Base Knowledge
Introductory knowledge in information systems and software development
Teaching Methodologies
The course runs around the deveIopment of a strategic pIan for an organization.
TheoreticaI cIasses are used for presentation and discussion of some of the subjects and study materiaIs. PracticaI cIasses are used for the reaIization of the strategic pIan, progress meetings with the teacher and cIarification on the progress of work.
Continuous Assessment consists of presentation of one (1) work / presentation vaIued at four (4) vaIues, attendance in cIass vaIued at two (2) vaIues and two written tests progress with weight percentage of 70% (14 vaIues) Iisted in 7 vaIues for each part.
The presence cIasses wiII be counted if and onIy if it is equaI or greater than 75% of the cIasses actuaIIy taught. The work is necessariIy done during the semester, and permanentIy monitored.
Students who can not or do not wish to faII under the previous regime, wiII be evaIuated in the FinaI Exam at the time of appeaI, Iisted for 20.
Learning Results
– Develop knowledge and comprehension skills in the area of Organizational Strategy, relying on exposition in the classroom for teaching and research in the specialty texts performed by students and guided by the teacher.
– Develop the ability to apply the knowledge acquired in solving specific problems of business life, sustained by their own reasoning;
– Create the ability to collect, select and interpret relevant information in the area of strategy, coupled with the capacity for analysis, synthesis and formulation of opinions;
– To instil a professional attitude in developing their tasks by knowledge acquired and the ability to understand the scope, applicability and opportunity in specific situations of everyday life.
1 – Strategic Thinking
2 – Analysis of the environment – external analysis 3 – Analysis of the company – internal analysis PART 2 – THE STRATEGY FORMULATION
4 – Mission, Objectives and Strategy 5 – Products-Markets
6 – Vertical Integration 7 – Internationalization
8 – Diversification
9 – Business Development
10 – Organizational Structure 11 – Policy Management
12 – Strategy in Portugal
Curricular Unit Teachers