Outcomes Measurement In Physical

Base Knowledge

Knowledge at the enter level in physiotherapy

Teaching Methodologies

Exposition of base content for each theme (T 10), using audiovisual media, and problem solving strategies (TP20)

Learning Results

Develop the knowledge and understanding to a deeper level about the measurement and assessment of results in physiotherapy, including the theory and basis that are underlying

Analyse critically health measures on the basis of their suitability, properties and quality, relevance and applicability in the context of clinical practice and research

Evidence knowledge of processes and methodologies for the validation outcome measures of health Communicate and issue judgments based on instruments of measurement and assessment of results in physiotherapy in extended contexts of clinical practice and research

Plan, organise and execute the measurement and assessment of therapeutic intervention in physiotherapy integrate knowledge, deal with complex issues, develop solutions or issue judgments on the measurement and assessment of results in new situations in extended and multidisciplinary contexts.


Evolution of health indicators;

Health Value; Types of measurements in health; and theoretical Basis for measuring: psychophysical and psychometric;

Quantify health: sizing methods (psychometrics and Econometrics);

identification and control of bias of subjective judgements;

The quality of a measurement: reliability, validity and clinical usefulness Identification, characterization and selection of results measuring instruments in physiotherapy;

Specific instruments of health condition; signs and symptoms; field; location or region; population; and human functionality;

Validation of process measures

Basis and purposes for the assessment of results of therapeutic intervention; Measure, monitor and manage results;

Measure the adequacy and effectiveness of the therapeutic intervention processes;

Determination of results of therapeutic intervention processes; and quality measurement

Curricular Unit Teachers




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Wilkin D, Halla L, Doggett MA. Measure of need and outcome for primary health care. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.

McDowell, I. e Newell, C., (1996). Measuring Health:. A Guide to Rating Scales and Questionnaires. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2ª Ed.

Bowling, A., (1995). Measuring Disease, Buckingham: Open University Press, 1ª Ed.

Bowling, A., (1997). Measuring Health, A review of quality of life measurements scales, Buckingham: Open University Press, 2ª Ed.

Hutchinson, A., Bentzen, N., KonigZahn, C. (1997). Cross Cultural Health Outcome Assessment a user’s guide, Ruinner NL: E R G H O.

Dittmar, SS. Gresham GE. (1997) Functional Assessment and Outcomes Measures for the Rehabilitation Health Professional. An Aspen publication, Maryland.