Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The methodological options leading to the fulfillment of the curricular unit’s program will focus on the following pedagogical strategy:
– Theoretical component – oral presentation oriented towards the foreseen contents, resorting whenever possible to multimedia resources.
– Practical component – monitoring and guidance in students’ work.
The assessment in the curricular unit will take place, at the student’s option, in the following modalities:
– Continuous evaluation;
– Exam.
The evaluation in those modalities will obey criteria that will be explained in the statements and/or other elements presented, according to the following components and weights:
Continuous evaluation
– Practical assignments – 100% of the global assessment
– Written test: 30%
– Practical work: 70%
Learning Results
3.1. To know and apply visual elements on painting: visual sign, design and color interaction;
3.2. To identify visual sign elements design strategies, symbol, alegory, as cultural and natural relatioships between popular mass low culture and high culture forms .
3.3. Exploring painting media and trial several materials and surfaces ;
3.4. Analyze examples of painting compositions: structure, stroke and stain form, color palettes.
4.1. Painting as a language:
4.1.1. The plastic-visual sign (elementary sign, stain/trace, signifier/signified/referent);
4.1.2. The composition (structure, space, figure-ground, ratio between width and height of the frame, support settings, multiple image/sequence/series;
4.1.3. Color (systems, complementary, colored and neutral grays);
4.2. Painting as a subject:
4.2.1. Techniques (acrylic, oil, gouache, spray, printing)
4.2.2. Flat supports (rigid, flexible, unconventional, mixed, collage, assembly);
4.3. Painting as a symbol;
4.3.1. Symbolism and allegory;
4.3.2. Nature and Culture;
4.3.3. Painting as cultural appropriation.
Grading Methods
- - Frequency - 30.0%
- - Practical work - 70.0%
- - Practical work - 100.0%
– Arnheim, R. (1992). Arte e Percepção Visual – Uma Psicologia da Visão Criadora. Livraria Pioneira Ed.
– Bénichou, A. (2010). Ouvrir le Document: enjeux et pratiques de la documentation dans les arts visuels contemporains. Les Presses du Réel.
– Fuga, A. (2005). Techniques et matériaux des arts. Éditions Hazan.
– Gage, J. (1997). Color y Cultura: La práctica e el significado del color de la Antigüedad a la Abstracción. Siruela.
– Mayer, R. (2002). Manual do artista. Martins Fontes.