Patrimony Management

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The teaching program will involve classes P (12,5h) e PL (12,5h) and will involve the presentation of the syllabus in the classroom by the teacher, the content presentation by the teacher followed by group work, the organization of study visits, the organization of worksas defined in the evaluation.The evaluation was organized according to the academic regulation of the 1st Cycle of Studies of the IPC. In this sense, the coninuous evaluation will be based on the organization of practical work by students inside or outside the classroom (10%) of a written test (50%) and organizing of a work and oral presentation (40% ). A evaluation by examination is based on the achievement of a single written test to be carried out at the end of the semester.

Learning Results

1-Understand specificities from the management of the property
2-Know principles related to the management of the property
3-Learn about initiatives for the promotion of the heritage
4-Understand the relevance of projects of touristic activities at local level
5-Recognize the heritage as a factor in boosting tourism
6-Make a good property in tourist recource


1. Management of the heritage as subject of study
1.1. Heritage and collective inheritance
1.2. The fundamentals of managing the heritage
1.3. Mechanisms for managing heritage
2. Projects of tourist animation in the context of the promotion of the heritage
2.1. Heritage and tourism animation
2.2. Motivations related to tourist animation
2.3. Planning projects of tourist animation having underlying heritage resources
2.4. Cases of projects of tourist animation
3. Projects for the enhancement of the cultural heritage in order to diversify the tourist offer of a locality

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing evaluation
  • - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
  • - Frequency - 50.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




ACOSTA, O.E., PASTOR, V.J., ACOSTA, J.O., LLORCA, J.G. & IZQUIERDO, S.M. (2009). Turismo, Planificación y Gestión Estratégica. Universitat Politecnica de València.

ALMEIDA, P. & ARAÚJO, S. (2012). Gestão de Animação Turística. Lidel.

BERMÚDEZ, A., M. ARBELOA, J. V. & GIRALT, A. (2004). Intervención en el patrimonio culural. Editorial Sintesis.

CONFEDERAÇÃO DO TURISMO PORTUGUÊS (2005). Reinventando o Turismo em Portugal. Confederação do Turismo Português.

FIGUEIRA, V. & DIAS, R. (2011). A Responsabilidade Social no Turismo. Escola Editora.

HENRIQUES, C. (2003). Turismo, Cidade e Cultura: planeamento e gestão sustentável. Edições Sílabo

OLIVEIRA, C., PINTO, J.R. & FERREIRA, L.(Orgs.) (2011).Turismo, Património e Inovação. Afrontamento