Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Given the T/P nature of CU its development focus on the use of methodologies that encourage critical and reflexive analysis, such as analysis of tex,documents and videos, analysis of case studies, group analysis of pedagogical questions. Further observation and analysis activities of educational realities will be promoted.These strategies will be articulated with scientific explanations for deepening the areas of program content.
Students may choose between the assessment by frequency or by examination. The evaluation by frequency includes performing various tasks throughout the semester and an individual test that will occur at the end of the semester. For students who choose the frequency evaluationt the final grade will be the weighted average of: Quality of participation and of the tasks carried out during the process – 60%; rating on the test – 40%.
Learning Results
Within this CU students will build theoretical and practical knowledge relevant to working in daycare settings, enabling them to recognize its educational dimension and the construction of pedagogical action. At the end of the CU the student:
-Identifies the characteristics of an educational intervention in daycare;
-Distinguishes its pedagogical and curricular features;
-Knows the relevant findings of the research of the effects of daycare;
-Knows the national and international guidelines and uses that information in a critical analysis and understanding of reality;
-Knows the main pedagogical and curricular frameworks, drawing from them guidelines for concrete action in the context of daycare.
1. Childhood as a social construction and the study of development;
2. Early childhood education and care: Education and care – definition of concepts. Education and care services for you Non-parental education and the study of its effects Education services and care for young children – research data and policy guidelines at national and international level;
3. Pedagogy(ies) for the nursery: Quality of programs for young children Educational purposes and intentions in daycare settings Pedagogical framework to work in daycare.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Attendance and Participation - 60.0%
- - Frequency - 40.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
Oliveira-Formosinho, J.; Araújo, S. B. (2013). Educação em creche: Participação e diversidade Porto: Porto Editora.
UNICEF (2008). A transição dos cuidados na primeira infância. UNICEF. Centro de Pesquisa Innocenti. Report Card 8
Portugal, G. (2012). Finalidades e práticas educativas em creche. Disponível em