Pharmacotherapy I

Base Knowledge

Background on Pharmacology, with the contents of Pharmacology I and II;
General knowledge about the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs, bioequivalence and bioavailability of drugs and the main pharmacotherapeutic groups.

Teaching Methodologies

M1. The learning process value the skills of learning and the collaborative work. From the bibliographic support recommended, students will integrate the knowledge trough working groups and holistic analyses of practical cases to report in the classroom. The teacher acts as a facilitator of learning process.
M2. The learning will be done through the study of theory, analysis and discussion of practical cases. The theoretical component uses the expository method, in a student-centered learning context.
M3. Working groups, with collaborative knowledge dissemination tools, being their commitment and relation with these means relevant factors to learn. The practice is action-oriented, where the student is challenged to solve clinical cases. (Problem Based Learning)

The acquisition of knowledge is proven through a written evaluation test (60%) and carrying out a bibliographic research work with presentation and/or through problem-based learning cases discussion (40%)

Learning Results

O1 – Apply the basic principles of pharmacotherapy for different diseases
O2 – Know therapeutic strategies recommended by the most current national and international guidelines for the pathologies addressed, in order to integrate the concepts learned
O3 – Critically analyse concrete pharmacotherapeutic plans through the resolution of clinical cases
O4 – Analyse the response to therapeutic interventions and the need for adjustments in the selection of alternatives in order to obtain the best overall clinical results of the therapy
O5 – Know the non-pharmacological measures essential to the appropriate therapeutic response to each clinical situation


Theoretical Program

1. Introduction to Pharmacotherapy
1.1.Pharmacotherapeutic groups-ATC classification
1.2.General principles
2. Pharmacotherapy in central nervous system diseases:
2.1.CNS stimulants
2.2.Sedatives and Hypnotics
2.3.General and local anesthetics
2.4.Antipsychotic drugs
2.5.Antidepressant drugs
2.7.Antiepileptics and anticonvulsants
2.8.Muscle relaxants
3. Pain and inflammation pharmacotherapy
3.1. Opioid and antagonist analgesics
3.2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-rheumatics, non-opioid analgesics,
anti-inflammatory enzymes
4. Pharmacotherapy of respiratory diseases
4.1. Anti-asthmatics and bronchodilators
4.2. Antitussives and expectorants
5. Pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular diseases
5.1. Cardiotonics
5.2. Antiarrhythmics
5.3. Anti-hypertensive
5.4. Vasodilators
5.5. Venotropics
5.6. Anti-dyslipidemics
6. Pharmacotherapy of kidney diseases
7. Pharmacotherapy of genitourinary diseases
8. Allergy Pharmacotherapy

Practical Program

Presentation and discussion of clinical cases and counselling simulations.


Curricular Unit Teachers




Main bibliography:

Guimarães, S., Garrett, J., & Osswald, W. (2017). Terapêutica medicamentosa e suas bases farmacológicas: Manual de Farmacologia e Farmacoterapia.
Goodman & Gilman: As Bases Farmacológicas da Terapêutica. (2012) 12ª edição. McGraw-Hill, p. Rang, H. P.; Dale, M. M.; Ritter, J. M.; Flower, R. J.; Henderson G.
Walker, R., Whittlesea, C. (2007) Clinical pharmacy and therapeutics (5ª ed) UK: Elsevier
Dipiro, Joseph T., et al. (2014). Pharmacotherapy: a pathophysiologic approach (pp. 145-51). McGraw-Hill Medical, New York.

Secondary bibliography:

Formulário Hospitalar Nacional de Medicamentos
Prontuário Terapêutico
Índice Nacional Terapêutico