Physical Activity and Health

Base Knowledge

Not applicable. 

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical sessions promotes the development of content using specific documentary sources, as well as the analysis and discussion of strategic references, to the mobilze in a written test (A). In TP sessions, documentary research, data collection and its analysis is encouraged in order to enable the student to be an active element in learning process. Based on information survey, real life observation, and by recognizing the needs of populations, an intervention project is promoted. This project, also in a written form, is presented and defended(B) by students. In continuous assessment system, the elements considered are outlined by the following weighted: rating = (0,5*A)+(0,5 *B)]. Evaluation by exam (100%) will be made through written and/or oral test.

Learning Results

1. Identify behaviors favorable / unfavorable Health.
2. Meet the main strategic guidelines for promoting physical activity from the health and sports sectors.
3. Recognize the importance of nutrition in physical activity/sport and its impact on the health of professionals and / or physically active people.
4. Recognize the benefits of physical activity in preventing cardiovascular, metabolic, and osteo-articular pathologies.
5. Raise awareness about the role of Professional Sports and Leisure in the promotion of health in different population groups.


1. Concept (s) of physical activity, health and life quality

2. Promoting health through physical activity and healthy lifestyles

3. National and international programs to promote physical activity, from the health and sports sectors

4. Nutrition in health promotion and physical activity/sport

5. Epidemiological tables associated with lack of physical activity

6. Benefits of physical activity in preventing cardiovascular, metabolic, and osteo-articular pathologies

7. Physical activity and sports in special populations along their lifes.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Periodical Evaluation
  • - Project - 50.0%
  • - Frequency - 50.0%




Bushman, B. (2011). Complete guide to fitnesss & health. Physical activity and nutrition guidelines for every age. American College of Sports Medicine.  

Fernandez, D., Saínz, G. & Garzon C. (2002). Treinamento físico-desportivo e alimentação: da infância à idade adulta. Artmed.

Loureiro, I. & Miranda, N. (2020). Promover a Saúde. Dos Fundamentos à ação. 3ªed. Almedina.

Loureiro, N; Calmeiro, L.; Marques, A.; Gomez-Baya, D.; Gaspar de Matos, M. (2021). The Role of Blue and Green Exercise in Planetary Health and Well-Being. Sustainability, 13, 10829.

Mota, J. & Sallis, J. (2001). Atividade Física e Saúde. Fatores de Influência da Atividade física nas Crianças e nos Adolescentes. Campo do Desporto.

Pereira, O. B., & Simões de Carvalho, G. (2006). Atividade Física, Saúde e Lazer. A Infância e Estilos de Vida Saudáveis. Lidel- Edições Técnicas.

WHO. (2020). WHO guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour. World Health Organization.