Physiology II

Base Knowledge

Basic knowledge about the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems


Teaching Methodologies

Teaching is based on expository theoretical classes on the various topics, with multimedia support, allowing a

mechanistic approach to the main physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms of the respiratory and


Learning Results

The student must acquire knowledge of

• Physiological bases of the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular system

• Main alterations of normal respiratory and cardiovascular physiology in a pathological context

The student must acquire skills in:

 • Ability to integrate respiratory and cardiovascular physiological mechanisms into the normal physiology of

other organs and systems, as well as in situations of illness or increased needs

The student must acquire skills in:

• Understanding of the physiology and pathophysiology underlying the methodology and results of the various studies

laboratory in respiratory and cardiovascular physiology


Respiratory system

Structure and function of the respiratory system

respiratory mechanics




Ventilation/Perfusion Ratio

Transport of gases in the blood

ventilation control

acid-base balance

Respiratory physiology of exercise, altitude and diving

respiratory failure

Pathophysiology of obstructive and restrictive diseases


Cardiovascular System

Anatomy and Functions of Circulation

Basic physiology of cardiac contraction

Pressure curves of the heart and vessels

Preload and afterload concept

Cardiac output and shock

Heart pump regulation mechanisms

Normal and abnormal heart sounds

Cardionector system

Concept of Depolarization and Repolarization

Action potential of cardiac cells

Concept of Relative and Absolute Refractory Period

Concept of extrasystole, tachycardia and bradycardia

Cardiac remodeling concept

Determinants of blood pressure and definition of arterial hypertension

 Pathophysiology of the most frequent symptoms and signs in cardiac pathology

Curricular Unit Teachers




Primary bibliography
1 – Couto A, Reis Ferreira JM: Estudo Funcional Respiratório – Bases fisiológicas e aplicação na prática clínica;
LIDEL; 2004
2- Textbook of Medical Physiology. A. Guyton and J. Hall 12th edition

Secondary bibliography

1 – West JB. Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials. 9th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011.

2 – West JB. Pulmonary Pathophysiology: The Essentials. 8th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012.

3 – Couto A. Gases no sangue: da fisiologia à clínica. LIDEL; 2001.

4- Hurst´s the Heart. Manual of Cardiology 13th edition

5- Cardiology.WB Saunders Company Lda
Desmond Julian J.; Campbell Cowan; James Mclenachan