Physiopathology and Therapeutics

Base Knowledge

Physiology, Therapeutics, Pharmacology, Pathology, Anatomy

Teaching Methodologies

The curricular unit will be taught in a theoretical-practical format, in an active expository form, complemented with the discussion of clinical cases.

Learning Results

It is intended that the student acquires an in-depth and integrated knowledge of the main diseases that affect the cardiovascular system, the central nervous system and the diseases that circumscribe sleep medicine. Diseases will be presented from a cell to bedside perspective, that is, from their pathophysiological genesis to the clinical outcome, integrating all stages of clinical management, such as clinical evaluation, integration of the results of complementary diagnostic tests, the clinical decision process that determines therapeutic options, exposing their effects, until the processes of cure, rehabilitation and risk stratification. In this way, it is intended that the student be endowed with knowledge that allows him to understand the clinical integration of the results obtained by the application of technology, bringing the level of reasoning closer to that of the clinicians with whom he will work in the context of multidisciplinary teams.


• Pathophysiology and therapy in the main diseases of the cardiovascular system;
• Pathophysiology and therapy in the main neurological diseases;
• Pathophysiology and therapy in diseases in sleep medicine.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Dennis L. Kasper, Stephen L. hauser, Joseph Loscalzo, J. Larry Jameson, Dan L. Longo e Anthony S. Fauci. (2017) Manual de Medicina de Harrison (19ª Edição). Editora McGraw Hill. ISBN: 9788580556025.
John E. Hall. (2016) Guyton & Hall: Tratado de Fisiologia Médica. (13ª Edição). Elsevier.
Laurence Brunton, Randa Hilal-Dandan, Laurence Brunton. (2014) Goodman & Gilman’s Manual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill