Plant Biotechnology

Base Knowledge

Biology, Genetics, Plant cell culture

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical-practical classes and report writing related to topics chosen by the students. For a better consolidation of concepts, students are monitored weekly in tutorial classes. Students are required to attend classes. The minimum attendance rate for each type of class is 75% of the number of classes taught.

Learning Results

The objective of this UC is to promote, in the student who successfully completes it, the following skills identified below. As a result of the learning process, the student: 1. Knows the techniques applied in Plant Biotechnology and their applications in the improvement and conservation of genetic resources. 2. Learn how to modify plants to produce biologically active proteins and metabolites.


To achieve the objectives of the UC and the conference of competences provided to students, the teaching-learning process is based on the following syllabus: 1. (1) review of basic contexts of plant biotechnology and vegetative propagation; (2) the conservation of plant cells, tissues and organs; (3) the use of molecular markers as tools in biotechnology; (4) factors that affect genetic stability. 2. (1) resistance to pests and diseases; (2) tolerance to abiotic stress; (3) modification of plant architecture; (4) control of gene expression in transgenic plants; (5) production of recombinant proteins; (6) transgenic plants in biosecurity; (7) NBT. 3. Execution of practical work in the laboratory and in the field 4. carry out bibliographical research and the analysis of articles and reports on the contents of the UC. 5 Preparation of reports and presentations related to the aspects dealt with in this UC

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação contínua
  • - Apresentação de um trabalho - 30.0%
  • - Teste escrito - 70.0%




Chahal, C.S. & Gosal, S.S. Principles and procedures of plant breeding. Biotechnological and conventional approaches.Alpha Science International, Harrow, UK, (2006). Chawla, H.S. Introduction to Plant Biotechnology. Science Publishers, Inc. Plymouth, UK, (2004). Kayser, O. & Quax Wim. Medicinal Plant Biotechnology (Vol 1 and 2). WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Germany, (2007). Li, Y. & Pei, Y. Plant Biotechnology in Ornamental Horticulture. Haworth Press, New York, USA, (2006). Pierik, R.L.M. In vitro Culture of Higher Plants. Springer. (1997). Slater, A., Scott, N. and Fowler, M. Plant Biotechnology. Oxford University Press, UK. (2004). Trigiano, R. & Gray, D. Plant development and Biotechnology. CRC Press, London, UK, (2004). Diferentes artigos das revistas científicas e pesquisa em web – sites relacionados com a UC