Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The methodological options leading to the fulfillment of the curricular unit’s program will focus on the following pedagogical strategy:
– Theoretical component – oral presentation oriented towards the foreseen contents, resorting whenever possible to multimedia resources.
– Practical component – monitoring and guidance in students’ work.
the student must guarantee a minimum presence of 40 hours of contact (classes), providing, in this condition, the right to take an exam, if he has not been approved by continuous assessment.
The assessment in the curricular unit will take place, in the following modalities:
– Continuous evaluation;
– Exam.
The evaluation in those modalities will obey criteria that will be explained in the statements and/or other elements presented, according to the following components and weights:
Continuous evaluation
– Practical assignments – 100% of the global assessment
– Written test: 30%
– Practical work: 70%
Learning Results
3.1‐ Know the characteristics of materials and respective techniques, to use them properly and expressively;
3.2‐ Mastering the different methodological stages in the development of a project, in the different stages of implementation, in the theoretical/practical, methodological and evaluation domains of glass (stained glass, mosaic, etc.);
3.3‐ Apply procedures and techniques in the modeling process that presupposes a critical exercise in the work methodology;
3.4‐ Being able to critically read visual messages of diverse origin and represent them through sculptural processes, choosing the ideal processes for their representation;
3.5‐ Be creative, self-critical and able to base their choices based on aesthetic values.
– Kneading and clay storage;
– Characteristics of plaster: its preparation, tools, storage, conservation;
– Mixture of gypsum with water to accelerate and reduce drying;
– Release agents;
– Molding of the negative in plaster; Filling, reinforcement with sisal of the form with plaster; Plaster model and surface retouching;
– Experimentation of different materials in the three-dimensional representation, in all phases of the molding processes.
– Skates.
4.2. THE GLASS – Stained Glass TECHNIQUE
– Glass and its properties;
– Materials and tools;
– Pre-conception: graphic, semiological and chromatic studies;
– Stained glass design using the Tiffany technique: two and three dimensions;
– The importance of mold perfection;
– Cutting the glass;
– Welding with tin, skids and finishes;
– Security and protection.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Written test: - 30.0%
- - Practical Works - 70.0%
- - Practical assignments - 100.0%
-Mayer, R. (2002). Manual do artista. Martins Fontes.
– Midgley, B. (1993). Guia completa de Escultura, Modelado y Ceramica, Tecnicas y materiales. Tursen – Hermann Blume Ediciones.
– Rosier, P. (1990). Le Moulage. Dessain et Tolra.
– Shannon, G.; Torlen, P. (2006). The Stained Glass Garden – Projects & Patterns. Union Square & Co.
– Traquino, M. (2010). Arte Agora: Pensamentos Enraizados na Experiência. Annablume editora.
– Valldeperez, P. (2000). O vitral. Editorial Estampa.
– Zanini, W. (1980). Tendências da escultura moderna. Cultrix