Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The methods have a theoretical and practical carather. The focus is, however, the research and discussion of the various syllabuses by the students with guidance and supplement of the professor.
Periodic assessment — throughout the academic semester, will be based on a component, which includes class participation and taking a written test, with a weight up to 62,5% and a working component, individual and/or group with a weighting of 37,5%.
The written test is eliminatory, students must obtain a minimum grade of 7,5.
The nature, characteristics and ponderation of each of the works will be subjected to an analysis during the first class and the information will be recorded on the summary and on the web platforms.
Assessment by exam — assessment at the end of a training period through an individual knowledge assessment test with a weighting of 100% of the final grade.
Students whose grade is equal to or greater than 9,5 will obtain approval.
Students whose grade rates between 7,5 and 9,4 values the exam will hold an oral test, and the final score shall be the average of the grades obtained.
Learning Results
1 To understand the implications of an aging population and increased life expectancy
2 To master the concepts of social policy, poverty, social exclusion, inequality, discrimination, inclusion, integration and insertion
3 To master and mobilize knowledge on policies and measures to support the aging population in Portugal and in the European Union, in particular, social welfare and health systems and the legal framework of different promotional programs, public, private and social
4 To know the basic conceptual framework for the study of social protection systems as a concrete materialization of the social state
5 To understand the evolution of social policy in its various forms and organizational models
6 To interpret critically the theoretical and empirical contributions in the field of social policies
1.1 – Public policies; social policies
1.2 – Privation, poverty and social exclusion; inclusion, insertion
1.3 – Inequalities and discrimination
2.1 – General characteristics and evolution
2.2 – The welfare state in Portugal
2.3 – The crisis of the Welfare State in Portugal in the European context
3.1 – Policy instruments in the European Union
3.2 – Policy instruments in Portugal
3.3 – State, public action and civil society
3.4 – Solidarity networks formal and informal
3.5 – The role of local government
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 37.5%
- - Frequency - 62.5%
- - Exam - 100.0%
Caeiro, J. (2008) Políticas Públicas, Política Social e Estado de Providência, Lisboa: Univ. Lusíada Editora
Campos, A. (2000) Solidariedade Sustentada: Reformar a Segurança Social. Lisboa: Gradiva, 2000.
Carvalho, M. (2013) Serviço Social no Envelhecimento, Lisboa: Pactor
Ferrara, M. (2000) O Futuro da Europa Social, Oeiras:Celta
Hespanha, P. (2008). Políticas Sociais: novas abordagens, novos desafios. Revista de Ciências Sociais, 39(1), pp. 5-15.
MTSS-GEP (2009) Carta Social – Rede de Serviços e Equipamentos, Lisboa: MTSS
MTSS-GEP (2013) Carta Social – Rede de Serviços e Equipamentos, Lisboa: MSESS
Mozzicafredo, J. (1994) O Estado-Providência em Transição, in Sociologia – Problemas e Práticas nº 16, pp. 11-40
Salselas, T. (2006) Política Social da Velhice, Lisboa: Univ. Aberta
Silva, F. (2013) O Futuro do Estado Social. Lisboa:FFMS