Portuguese Language and Culture

Base Knowledge

Not applicable.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical-practical classes focused on the student.

Oral and written work done individually and/or in groups.

Learning Results

This curricular unit objectives correspond to those described in level A1/A2 of the Council of Europe CEFR, to encourage language learning and facilitate mobility. It comprises the study of the Portuguese language through the acquisition of basic linguistic components at the phonetic, morphological, syntactic, grammatical, semantic levels and also aim to compare aspects of the student’s culture of origin with Portuguese culture. Thus, it seeks to develop basic communication skills that allow them to interact in everyday situations, associating them with cultural practices characteristic of the Portuguese people and, as much as possible,  knowledge of the country, the reality and values ​​of Portuguese Culture and Portugal in the European context.


Understand statements that aim to satisfy concrete needs;

•Understand and use familiar and everyday expressions, such as knowing how to introduce himself/herself and others, asking questions and giving answers about personal aspects, such as where he/she lives, means of transport , people he/she knows, food, and matters related to the studies as an ISEC student;

•Write texts with the same degree of difficulty as those analyzed in the course, applying the main orthographic and morphosyntactic norms of the Portuguese language;

• Compare aspects of their culture of origin with Portuguese culture.

Curricular Unit Teachers





Main Bibliography:

Support material prepared by the teacher and made available to the students.

Complementary Bibliography:

Coelho, L., & OLIVEIRA, C. (2021). Português em Foco 1. Níveis A1/A2. LIDEL -Edições Técnicas (com Caderno de Exercícios). 

Oliveira, C. , Coelho, L.& Ballmann, M.J. (2020). Aprender Português 1: Português para estrangeiros. Níveis A1, A2 (QECR). Texto Editores. (com Caderno de Exercícios).

Tavares, A. (2017). Português XXI. Nível A1.  LIDEL-Edições Técnicas (com Caderno de Exercícios).