Portuguese Sign Language Coding and Graphic Representation

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The classes will be both theoretical and practical in order to prepare students for the use of this system adapted
to LGP and in future professional situations. SignWriting data materials are based on American sign language,
Brazilian and Spanish will be made Some adaptations to signs of LGP.

Continuing Evaluation
2 theoretical-practical tests – 100.0% (50%+50%)
exam – 100.0%

Learning Results

It is intended that the students are able to:
1. Identify the organizing principles of LGP.
2. Establish a first contact with signwriting system.
3. Adapt LGP signs to signwriting.
4. Encode and decode the signwriting.


1. SignWriting system:
a) Hand Shapes;
b) Movement;
c) Hand orientation;
d) Contact Symbols;
e) Localization;
f) Facial expression
g) Other symbols.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing evaluation
  • - Frequency - 100.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




A Cross-Linguistic Guide To SignWriting –

Aprendizagem de escrita de língua de sinais pelo sistema SignWriting : língua de sinais no papel e no
computador – http://www.lume.ufrgs.br/handle/10183/5429

Lições sobre Signwriting na Libras (Brasil) – http://www.signwriting.org/archive/docs5/sw0472-BR-Licoes-SignWriting.pdf

SignWriting – http://www.signwriting.org

Signwriting: um sistema de escrita das línguas gestuais : aplicação à língua gestual portuguesa –