Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The classes will be theoretical and practical, with a theoretical approach only as form of presentation, focusing mainly on the practical component based on group and individual exercises. The evaluation shall respect the provisions of the ruls of procedure of the school of education, the curriculum unit will be assessed continuously or for final exam. Continuous assessment: The evaluation process will be oriented with emphasis on following parameters:
a) Autonomous Work: – Development of a video in LSP in groups about one of the subjects taught (30%);
Exercices and Participation (10%).
b) Tests: One test per teacher, according to each hours and themes (60%).
Assessment for final exam: Theoretical examination and practical having regard to the syllabus taught (100%).
Learning Results
This course continues the course history of Portuguese sign language 1 (LGP) from what the student should deepen their knowledge of the body and the controland bodily elements (body and movement of the hands, the facial expression and the three-dimensional space – expressive elements of the study of the movement) that are present in the LGP; deepen the communicative skills in understanding and enunciation of Portuguese sign language at an intermediate level; deepen the knowledge about the history and deaf culture, valuing them. It is expected that the students have successfully completed this course are able to understand your own body in the expressive and with sign language skills, intermediate classification level A2 of the common European framework of reference for languages as well as structural knowledge of the LGP, of the cultural, linguistic and historical peculiarities of the Deaf community.
Lexical contents:
Differents types of houses, objects;
Public and private services;
Europe’s countries;
Europe’s capitals;
Deaf association in Portugal;
Deaf leads.
Grammar contents:
Signs groups.
Corporal expressions contents:
Game to explore corporal and facial expressions.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Frequency - 60.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 30.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
BISPO, Mª. Teresa, Couto, André, Clara, Mª. Céu, Clara, Luís, O Gesto e a Palavra I, Lisboa, Ed. Caminho, 2006. CARVALHO, Paulo Vaz, Breve História dos Surdos no Mundo e em Portugal, Lisboa, Ed. Surd’Universo, 2007. FERREIRA, A., Gestuário da Língua Gestual Portuguesa, Secretariado Nacional para a Reabilitação e Integração das Pessoas com Deficiência, 2005. LABORIT, Emmanuelle, O Grito da Gaivota, Lisboa, Ed. Caminho, 2000. LANE, Harlen, A Máscara da Benevolência, Lisboa, Ed. Instituto Piaget, 1997. LAPALU, Yves, Léo, O Puto Surdo, Lisboa, Ed. Surd’Universo, 2006. MORGADO, Marta, Mamadu, o herói surdo, Lisboa, Ed. Surd’Universo, 2007. IDEM, Sou Asas, Lisboa, Surd’Universo, 2010. RENARD, L., Y. Lapalu , Surdos, 100 Piadas!, Surd’Universo, Lisboa, 2009