Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The classes will be theoretical and practical, with a theoretical approach only as form of presentation, focusing mainly on the practical component based on group and individual exercises. The evaluation shall respect the provisions of the ruls of procedure of the school of education, the curriculum unit will be assessed continuously or for final exam. Continuous assessment: The evaluation process will be oriented with emphasis on following parameters:
a) Autonomous Work: – Development of a video in LSP in groups with a simulation of costumer service in public or ptivate services and a performative presentation at November 15th (30%);
Exercices and Participation (10%).
b) Tests: One test per teacher, according to each hours and themes (60%).
Assessment for final exam: Theoretical examination and practical having regard to the syllabus taught (100%).
Learning Results
Students must have communicative competence in understanding and enunciating Portuguese Sign Language at an average level; understand and value deaf history and culture.
It is expected that students, at the end of this curricular unit, will be able to understand their own body in the expressive aspect and that they will have basic gestural linguistic skills, at the level of the B2 classification
of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages, as well as structural knowledge. of the LGP, of the cultural, linguistic and historical particularities of the Portuguese Deaf Community. It is also intended that students deepen their knowledge in writing and reading the LGP.
The contents of this curricular unit will focus on:
Countries and cities of the world;
Commemorative dates of the Deaf Community;
Professions linked to the Deaf Community;
Physical and psychological characterization of people;
Humor and stories: deaf culture;
Deaf Associativism at national and international level;
Non-governmental organizations;
Health and human body;
Education systems in Portugal;
Public and private services.
Grammatical Contents:
– The negative and the interrogative;
– Syntactic ordering and predominance in simple and complex sentences;
– Directional verbs;
– Differences between the different types of speech;
– Syntactic differences between texts written in LP and LGP;
– Understand texts written in LGP;
– Produce the LGP in written and signed form.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 30.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%
- - Frequency - 60.0%
BISPO, Mª. Teresa, Couto, André, Clara, Mª. Céu, Clara, Luís, O Gesto e a Palavra I, Lisboa, Ed. Caminho, 2006
CARVALHO, Paulo Vaz, Breve História dos Surdos no Mundo e em Portugal, Lisboa, Ed. Surd’Universo, 2007
FERREIRA, A., Gestuário da Língua Gestual Portuguesa, Secretariado Nacional para aReabilitação e Integração das Pessoas com Deficiência, 2005
LABORIT, Emmanuelle, O Grito da Gaivota, Lisboa, Ed. Caminho, 2000.
LANE, Harlen, A Máscara da Benevolência, Lisboa, Ed. Instituto Piaget, 1997.
LAPALU, Yves, Léo, O Puto Surdo, Lisboa, Ed. Surd’Universo, 2006.
MORGADO, Marta, Mamadu, o herói surdo, Lisboa, Ed. Surd’Universo, 2007.
MORGADO, Marta, Sou Asas, Lisboa, Surd’Universo, 2010.
RENARD, L., Y. Lapalu , Surdos, 100 Piadas!, Surd’Universo, Lisboa, 2009