Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Classes will be theoretical-practical, with a theoretical approach only as a form of presentation, focusing mainly on the visual and descriptive component. Metaphorical language and intralinguistic issues will also be worked on. The evaluation will respect the established in the ESEC Internal Regulation, so the curricular unit can be evaluated continuously or through a final exam.
Continuous evaluation:
The evaluation process will be guided by focusing on the following parameters:
– autonomous work (25%);
– test per teacher, according to each one’s hours (60%);
– Participation in classes and assignments (15%).
Final exam evaluation:
Practical-theoretical exam based on the syllabus taught throughout the semester.
Learning Results
The curricular unit of LGP 5 is the last unit of Portuguese Sign Language that aims to guarantee the continuation of the learning of Portuguese Sign Language, deepening issues related to the understanding and emission of speeches in LGP at an advanced level. It is, in this curricular unit, that it will be important to provide the student with the (re)discovery of the body schema and enhance its expressive possibilities, the passage from spontaneous to controlled gesture/movement, with a correct use of the language and also respect for the grammatical rules of the LGP.
Since this curricular unit of LGP precedes the job market, it aims to enable the student of this course to have an effective communicative competence in their main language and work for their professional future.
The contents of this course will focus on themes such as:
-Road traffic, vehicles and engines
-Religion and liturgical celebrations
-Sports and sporting activities
-Society and current events
-Health and well-being
-Politics, Economy
-Science and technology
-History and culture of the deaf community
-Art, music and Poetry
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 25.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 15.0%
- - Frequency - 60.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
– Andersson, Y. (2009). O mundo Surdo. Em: Bispo, M.; Couto, A.; Clara, M.; Clara, L. (eds.), O Gesto e a Palavra 2. Editorial Caminho
– CORREIA, I (2009) O Parâmetro Expressão na Língua Gestual Portuguesa: Unidade Suprassegmental, Exedra Journal (
– Jokinen, M. (2006) Os utilizadores da Língua Gestual e a Comunidade Surda. Em: Bispo, M; Couto,A.; Clara, M.; Clara, L. (2006). O Gesto e a Palavra I. Editorial Caminho.
– Ladd, P. (2003). Understanding Deaf culture: In Search of Deafhood . 1st Edition. Multilingual Matters Ltd. Clevedon. Reino Unido.
– QUADROS, Ronice (2006-2008) Estudos Surdos I, II, III e IV. Editora Arara Azul, Petrópolis
– SANDLER, W & LILLO-MARTIN (2006). Sign Language and Linguistic Universals. Cambridge: University Press
– SANTANA, N. (2012) Aspeto Verbal na LGP, Exedra Journal (