Base Knowledge
General knowledge of agriculture and livestock
Teaching Methodologies
Classes will mainly be expository character, supported by presentations, teachers’ notes, and discussion of case studies. However, the application of information gained in solving practical cases as well as the evaluation of case studies will give it a character markedly theoretical and practical. Small working groups (4 students) will be made to develop solutions about questions type . These groups will develop enrichment activities around taught contents in class and will start after first class presentation, a work called “project” that will be supported by the teachers involved in the Curricular Unit.
Learning Results
Using various precision agriculture technologies, the student should be able to develop, among other projects, monitoring crop productivity, the spatial variability of soil, crop development and localized application of inputs. As a result of the learning process, the student: Knows the main uses of Precision Agriculture? Realize the current state of knowledge on Precision Agriculture? Knows the tools used in precision agriculture? Uses some of the tools of precision agriculture? Understand the key fundamentals of global positioning systems? Knows the added value of Precision Agriculture in the control and correction of factors influencing agricultural production? Knows others technologies for monitoring soil, plants and animals?
Introduction to Precision Agriculture. Concept, research areas, global developments, the current situation in Portugal. Other technologies used in precision agriculture and the rural world. Agronomic basics. Development and growth of plants. Factors which affect crop yields. Crop production and Precision Agriculture. Technologies and support systems used in precision agriculture. Global Positioning Systems (GPS). Intelligent instruments and tools (IDI). Sensors and Variable rate technology (VRT). Software available in the market. Remote sensing. Monitoring systems. Crops and soil analysis. Integration of electronics into agricultural equipment. Stages of a project on Precision Agriculture. Data collection, data analysis, decision making. Case study. Characterization of particular situations. Projects on Precision Agriculture. Technical and economic feasibility. Prospects for the future.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Monografia - 60.0%
- - Apresentação e discussão oral - 40.0%
Brase, T. (2006) Precision Agriculture. Thomson Delmar Learning
Coelho, J., Silva, L., Tristany, M., Neto, M., Pinto P. (2004) Agricultura de Precisão. Edições Prefácio, Lisboa, 106pp.
Erickson, K. Precision Farming Profitability. (2000) Pardue University, Indianapolis, 132pp.
Morgan, M., Ess, D.(2010) The PrecisionFarming Guide for Agriculturists. Jonh Deere Publishing, Illinois, 117pp
National Research Council (1997) Precision Agriculture in the 21st Century. National Academy Press, Washington, 149pp