Preventive Silviculture

Base Knowledge

Although general silviculture notions are given, it is convenient for students to have in mind the basic concepts associated with the characterization of forest stands and silvicultural operations.

Teaching Methodologies

Classes in the classroom, in the field and in support of ongoing activities, through the execution of operations learned in the classroom

Learning Results

Know the general principles of forestry.

Know how to perform the main forestry operations to prevent biotic and abiotic factors. Know the relationship between the most common species and fire. Know the different techniques of artificial regeneration. Recognize invasive species as an economic and ecological threat. Know the advantages and disadvantages of choosing each of the different regeneration techniques, taking into account local conditions. Knowing how to select naturally regenerating plants as a way of accelerating ecological succession. Make correct decisions about which trees to cut down, depending on the intended objectives. Correctly carry out the different operations associated with the artificial regeneration of a burned area. Mitigate the effects of pests and diseases in a forest ecosystem, using forestry techniques. Know and know how to apply the different techniques of soil protection.


General notions of forestry.

Density and stocking; site index.

Thinning and prunning.

Characteristics of different species in terms of combustibility and resilience; applications to DFCI.

Control techniques for woody weeds.

Techniques for preventing forest pests and diseases.

Practical classes on the ESAC Campus to apply the concepts and techniques described

Natural regeneration vs. artificial

Use of the brush cutter to select the plants that will constitute the future stand

Treatment of burnt trees

Planting and sowing operations

The risk of erosion in burned areas

Erosion control techniques (mulching, contour cleaning, soil mobilization, filling ravines).

Curricular Unit Teachers




Alves, A M, Pereira, J S, & Correia, A V. (2012). Silvicultura – a gestão dos ecossistemas florestais. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Botelho, H.. 1995. O parcelamento racional da floresta na prevenção dos fogos – Relatório Final. UTAD, Vila Real.

CEMAGREF. 1989. Protection des forêts contre l’incendie – Guide technique du forestier méditerranéen français. CEMAGREF, Aix-en Provence.

Conselho Nacional da Reflorestação. 2006. Orientações estratégicas para a recuperação das áreas ardidas em 2003 e 2004. DGRF, Lisboa.

Silva, J. S. (Ed.). (2007). Proteger a Floresta – Incêndios, pragas e doenças (Vol. 8). Lisbon: Público/Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento/Liga para a Protecção da Natureza.