Produção de Cartografia de Risco

Base Knowledge

Basic knowledge of GIS software.

Teaching Methodologies

  • Carrying out small projects in classroom, together with the explanation of the theory that supports the methodologies used.
  • Projects are carried out using mostly ESRI GIS software (

Learning Results

  • Understand the concepts of danger, severity, susceptibility, hazard, exposure, vulnerability, consequence or potential damage, and risk;
  • Mastering working methods in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Apply these methods in the production of cartography of forest fire risk in the framework of a Municipal Plan of Forest Fire Defense;
  • Search geographic information, build maps and share information.


  1. Concepts of danger, severity, susceptibility, hazard, exposure, vulnerability, consequence or potential damage, and risk.
  2. Study of a specific methodology for the production of fire risk maps at the municipal level.
  3. Application of the previous methodology to a municipality of Mainland Portugal.

Curricular Unit Teachers


