Professional Training

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The orientation of the work will be carried out, in a first phase, in orientation sessions between the students and the course director and other professors of the course with the objective of clarifying the functioning of the UC, scheduling, identification of students interested in developing an internship, as a complement to an applied research project. After identifying each student’s research interests and their practical application, students must present a work plan. Based on this, a supervisor will be proposed according to the respective themes, and communication will be made between the supervisor and the student to follow up on the work plan. A dissertation of a scientific nature or an applied research project work within an internship context, original and specially made for this purpose, must be developed. Approval at the UC is obtained in a public act of defense of the dissertation/project work/internship report.

Learning Results

The master’s dissertation consists of the development of a scientific research project, on an innovative and original theme, relevant in the field of knowledge of inland tourism. The student can choose to undertake a 300-hour internship in an organization in the tourism sector and develop a diagnosis and a problem solving approach through an applied research project, that can provide a relevant contribution to the organization. The learning objectives are as follows:
• To know how to apply the acquired knowledge and to promote the research capacity
• To produce relevant knowledge in the field of tourism
• To know how to mobilize the acquired theoretical, scientific and technical knowledge, into the analysis of specific cases of intervention within tourism
• To provide an experience of approaching the labor market, so as to facilitate the student´s future integration process.


In a curricular unit like this, syllabus contents are not taught. The aim is that the students can apply various contents acquired during the first year of the course in their research projects and/or within the curricular internship, under the supervision of a professor of the course.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Final Report - Public Defense - 100.0%




PT – Fontes bibliográficas relacionadas com as diferentes temáticas a tratar pelos alunos de acordo com os seus projetos de investigação.

EN – Bibliographic sources related to the different topics to be addressed by students according to their research projects.