Program Evaluation and Research in Early Childhood Intervention: Evaluation as a Determinant Factor for the Quality of Practices

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The curricular unit has 20 theoretical / practical hours. The sessions will alternate between expository methodologies and participatory methodologies using assessment training with the specific instruments provided for the IPI.

The evaluation will be carried out by solving practical cases.

When considering the final classification, the following components will be considered:

– quality of case analysis – 60%

– quality of participation throughout UC sessions – 40%

Learning Results

In this UC it is intended that the trainees obtain a clear vision about the specificity, and value of the evaluation. Thus trainees should:

– Understand the evaluation as a process of analyzing the quality of services to be provided to children and families;

-Know how to identify the specific characteristics of the practices associated with certain results in children and families;

-Develop skills in the use and systematization of the processes inherent to the evaluation


1- The specificity of the evaluation of IPI programs

a) what is meant by assessment

b) types of evaluation

a) evaluation of the process

b) product / impact assessment

c) cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness assessment

2- Process steps:

a) Preparation of the plan

b) Evaluation objectives and indicators

c) Information collection methods

d) Data analysis

3- The team’s self-assessment

a) BRASS TACKS (MacWilliam & MacWilliam, 1993) as a professional assessment tool

Grading Methods

  • - Quality of participation throughout the sessions - 40.0%
  • - Resolution of practical cases - quality analysis cases - 60.0%




Bailey, D. & Bruder, M. (2005). Family outcomes of early intervention and early childhood special education: issues and considerations. Early Childhood Outcomes Center. Acedido em 29/06/18.

ANIP (2016). Práticas recomendadas em Intervenção precoce na Infância-Um guia para profissionais. (pp -247-273).

Almeida, I. (2009). Estudos sobre a intervenção precoce em Portugal: ideias dos especialistas, dos profissionais e das famílias. Lisboa: Instituto Nacional para a Reabilitação.

Franco, V. & Apolónio, A. (2008). Avaliação do impacto da intervenção precoce no Alentejo: criança, família e comunidade. Administração Regional Saúde do Alentejo, Instituto Público. Acedido em 29/06/18.

Pimentel, J. (2004). Avaliação de programas em intervenção precoce. Análise Psicológica 1(XXII) 43-54. Acedido em 29/06/18.