Base Knowledge
Basic sciences, maintenance and technologies in the field of mechanics, electromechanics and electrotechnics.
Teaching Methodologies
In the first class, the syllabus of the course are presented by the teachers involved in the teaching.
In the second class, work groups are defined, projects are chosen / distributed and actions are planned.
In the following classes, the project phases are presented, with the groups proceeding to carry out the design, development work and, in some cases, the physical execution of the project.
Students receive guidance from all teachers involved in the teaching and each work group has assigned only one teacher responsible for their project.
Classes take place in the project room, in classrooms and / or in laboratories related to electromechanical maintenance.
Learning Results
» Knowledge of the conceptual and methodological aspects of project design, development and management;
» To structure and to apply the knowledge acquired during the course and the practices applied in laboratories within the scope of electromechanical maintenance;
» To structure the project management concepts in order to stimulate the students ‘analytical capacity and critical spirit, as well as their skills in terms of organization, communication and group work, focusing on the organizations’ business model;
» To design a technical solution that fits within the scope of electromechanical maintenance;
» To use methods, techniques, methodologies and computer tools for planning and controlling project activities;
» To structure costs, control the performance and risks of a project;
» To apply the concepts of quality in the context of project management;
» To promote the realization of project work in collaboration with companies or other entities outside the school.
Problem identification, analysis and resolution.
Construction, reasoning and argumentation of team solutions, in a clear and objective way, involving, in specific cases, the dimensioning of mechanical, electrical and electronic devices, mechanisms, equipment or systems, or the study of maintenance, repair methodologies, workshop management, job preparation, implementing changes in organizations or creating value alternatives for companies in the areas of mechanics and / or electrotechnics;
Identification, collection, selection, analysis and interpretation of information relevant to the recommended solutions and the judgments issued;
Integration of recent technological innovations in the area of electromechanical maintenance;
Planning and management of project activities, through the identification of the resources necessary for its implementation, using the following sequence of analysis:
1-Project concepts and project management;
2-Project life cycle;
3-Legislation, standards, regulations, building codes and documentation to support the project;
4-Research, compilation and processing of data;
5-Management in space and time, resources, costs and dependencies;
6-Project analysis;
7-Fashion and design in the project;
8-Version control;
9-Prototypes and tests.
Elaboration of the project report and promoting the valorization of its construction.
Curricular Unit Teachers
» CENGEL, Y.A., BOLES, M. A. – Termodinâmica, McGraw-Hill, 3ª Edição, 2001. ISBN: 972-773-097-3.
» OLIVEIRA, L. A.; LOPES, A. G., Mecânica dos Fluidos, Lidel, 2006. ISBN: 9789727579389.
» INCROPERA, F.P.; DEWITT, D.P. – Fundamentos de Transferência de Calor e de Massa, LTC Editora, 5ª Edição, 2003. ISBN: 85-216-1378-4.
» INCROPERA, Frank P.; DEWITT, David P.; Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 6th Edition, Wiley, 2006.
» SHIGLEY, Joseph Edward; MISCHKE, Charles R.; Mechanical Engineering Design, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill.
» RAZNJEVIC, Kuzman; Handbook of Thermodynamics Tables, Begel House, Inc.
» HIBBELER, R. C.; Mecânica: Dinâmica, 8th Ed, LTC Editora, 1998.
» BRANCO, Carlos A. G. de Moura; Mecânica dos Materiais, 3.ª Edição, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa.
» ASHBY, Michael F.; Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, 2nd Ed., Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, 1999.
» SILVA, Vitor Dias; Mecânica e Resistência dos Materiais, 2.ª Ed., Zuari – Edição de Livros Técnicos, Ld.ª, Coimbra, 1999.
» KUTZ, Myer; Mechanical Engineer´s Handbook, 2nd Ed., John Wiley, New York, 1998.
» KUTZ, Myer; Enciclopedia de la Mecanica Ingenieria y Tecnica, Oceano Grupo Editorial, Barcelona, 1995.