
Base Knowledge

This course intends to integrate the knowledge acquired in the courses of the BSc degree.

Teaching Methodologies

In the theoretical-practical classes, general considerations about the development of projects and / or food products / bioproducts are presented. An approach to the themes to be developed by each working group is elaborated and strategies for coordination, development and optimization are defined. During the practical execution of the project, the work is developed by the groups and aims the elaboration of a preliminary project related to a processing unit, a service or a new food / product.

The development of the process, service, or food / product involves the student and guides him in the research, compilation and interpretation of the applicable legislation.

During classes, doubts about the various aspects of the project will be clarified and specific recommendations will be given in the treatment of the results and preparation of the project report.

Learning Results

This course addresses issues of the role of the Food Technologist or Biotechnologist in their area of expertise. It is intended that students deepen and develop demonstrative concepts in the food industry and biotechnology, integrating the learning results taught in the different courses in BSc degree. It is also intended to reinforce the importance of organizing and managing the information about food or bioproducts production processes, food products/bioproducts development, food/bioproducts services, and/or marketing strategies of those products or services.


1. Development of projects, products and technological solutions in the area of food and biotechnology.

2. Compilation, identification, selection and systematization of the information and data necessary for the mass and energy balances of a process, component or product. Development of practical solutions for the planning and implementation of these processes or systems.

3. Dimensioning and specification of the conditions of construction and operation of the facilities, utilities and equipment taking into account the objectives set, costs (installation, energy and others), imperatives of quality, safety and environmental sustainability.

4. Presentation and discussion of the results of the studies carried out, with regard to the nutritional / compositional quality, food safety or other, and the shelf life of the developed product. Comparison of the performance of different processes and services.

5. Definition of the characteristics of the packaging to be used for a given product. Presentation of the packaging design options and the eventual launch plan on the market.

6. Clear, objective and succinct presentation of the proposed solutions.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Contínua
  • - Avaliação do desempenho individual ao longo do semestre - 40.0%
  • - Apresentação e defesa do relatório do projeto - 60.0%
Avaliação Por Exame
  • - Defesa oral - 50.0%
  • - Componente escrita - 50.0%




Aguado J. Ed. et al. Ingeniería de la Industria Alimentaria. Vols: I, II, III. Editorial Sintesis, 1999.

Perry’s Chemical Engineers Handbook, 6ª ed R. H. Perry & D. Green, 1984.

Kessler HG Food Engineering and Dairy Technology. Verlag, 1981.

Peters MS, Timmerhaus KD and West RE. Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers. 5th ed, McGraw-Hill, 2003.

Earl RL. Unit Operations in Food Processing. Pergamon Press. England, 1983.

Singh RP and Heldman DR. Introduction to Food Engineering. Academic Press. USA, 1984.

LIMA, UA; AQUARONE, E; BORZANI, W.; SCHMIDELL, W. – Processos Fermentativos e Enzimáticos. In Biotecnologia Industrial. São Paulo: Blucher, 2001. ISBN: 978-85-212-0280-6. Vol. III.

MCNEIL, B; HARVEY, LM – Practical Fermentation Technology. England: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2008. ISBN: 978-0-470-01434-9

STANSBURY, PF; WHITAKER, A; HALL, SJ -Principles of Fermentation Technology, 2nd ed. London: Hutterword Heinemann, 1995. ISBN: 0750645016

SHULER, ML; KARGI F – Bioprocess Engineering: Basic Processes. 2nd Ed. New York: Prentice Hall, 2001. ISBN-13: 978-0130819086

NAJAFPOUR, GD – Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology. 1st Ed. The Netherlands: Elsevier, 2007. ISBN: 9780444528452

LEE, J – Biochemical Engineering. [em linha]. Washinton: Prentice-Hall Inc., 2001, 17-07-2017 [data de consulta] Disponível em

BAILEY, JE – Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals. US: McGraw Hill, 1986. ISBN: 0070032122

DUTTA, R – Fundamental of Biochemical Engineering. New Delhi: Springer, Ane Books India, 2008. ISBN 978-81-8052-202-4


Complementary references:

Prandl O. Tecnologia y Higiene de la Carne. Ed. Acribia: Zaragoza,1994.

Arthey D and Ashurst. Fruit Processing. Marcel Dekker, London, 1996.

Arthey D and Dennis C. Procesado de Hortalizas. Ed. Acribia: Zaragoza.1991