Base Knowledge
The recommended basic knowledge will be all acquired along the academic path of the master’s student, with special focus on those of the project to be developed.
Teaching Methodologies
The student will always develop their work under the direction of their advisor and supervisor.
The supervisor is responsible for accompanying the master’s student in the different phases of the project’s work, namely, technical and scientific support for the planning and development of the project, recommending the deepening of the aspects that seem relevant and maintaining close contact with the organization’s supervisor.
Learning Results
The purpose of preparing the project work is based on an innovative approach, relevant to society and organizations, also responding more adequately to the demands of professional orders. Project work is predominantly oriented towards professional development, comprising surveying, questioning and collecting data, testing the project, writing and reviewing the work.
Within the themes framed in the area of accounting and public management, each Master’s student will develop a project aimed at their professional development.
Project work can take the following modalities:
a) Case study: characterized by the identification of the problem, justification of the relevance of the analysis of the business situation presented, identification of the entity and characterization of the environment, presenting a critical analysis.
b) Preparation of a business plan and its control: characterized by the presentation of an innovative project with identification of strategic and operational aspects that allow its evaluation and implementation, as well as respective control measures.
c) Organizational project: characterized by the creation, development, adaptation or improvement of procedures and/or organizational processes of work in an organization in conjunction with its objectives.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Carvalho, João Carvalho et al. (2017). Contabilidade Orçamental Pública de acordo com o SNC-AP. Áreas Editora.
Custódio, Célia; Viana, Carla (2019). SNC-AP Sistema de Normalização Contabilística para as Administrações Públicas – Visão prática do SNC-AP. Almedina.
Manual de implementação do SNC-AP, versão 2 – Junho 2017 (online).
Nunes, Alberto Velez et al. (2019). O Sistema de Normalização Contabilística: Administrações Contabilísticas: Teoria e Prática, 2.ª edição. Almedina.
Pereira, Paulo Trigo et al. (2016). Economia e Finanças Públicas, 5.ª Edição Escolar Editora.
Pinto, Ana Calado et al. (2013). Gestão Orçamental & Contabilidade Pública. ATF Edições.
Ribeiro, Pedro Soutelinho Correia (2016). SNC-AP Sistema de Normalização Contabilística para as Administrações Públicas. Vida Económica.
Rodrigues, Ana Maria (2019). SNC-AP: Sistema de Normalização Contabilística Administrações Públicas. Almedina.