Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The evaluation of the work will be done by a jury made up of all the teachers who supervised the work. The final classification of the Project will be made on a scale from 0 to 20, being the responsibility of the respective jury.
It is excluded from this component of Project proof of exam of Appeal period or proof of Improvement exam.
As criteria for evaluating the work the jury will take as reference:
– the relevance of the theme
– suitability for the target audience
– the consistency of the overall structure
– the quality, timeliness and accuracy of the information and the sources consulted
– the quality and interest of the materials
Learning Results
Develop investigative skills aimed at understanding and analyzing IPI practices;
Train trainees to observe and reflect on the realities of care in IPI;
Contribute to the dissemination of the knowledge produced, seeking to value and generalize the adequacy and effectiveness of quality practices.
Grading Methods
- - project - 100.0%
Ajustada a cada projeto