Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
As the UC is the link to the internship, the classes will follow the projects carried out in the institution/community hosting the internship, using individual discussion and in plenary, in order to promote the sharing and participation of students and enriching each work.
This UC will articulate theoretical exposition strategies, with the participation of students in individual and group work, guided debates and tutorial guidance.
Given the nature of the UC, both continuous assessment and assessment by examination are made up of the following elements: Internship Project (60%), participation in seminar work (20%), fieldwork (20%). For students who carry out an Erasmus internship, the assessment of the fieldwork component is replaced by the elaboration of a research work on the intervention theme of the foreign internship institution (which includes a theoretical component and a component of presentation of socio-educational practices).
Learning Results
1. To know and analyse contexts, particularly societies and cultures’ structure, organization and functioning in order to understand identity processes;
2. To recognize and identify the specificities, the educational and pedagogical principles of community intervention in the domains of Socioeducative Animation;
3. To know and understand the individual, cultural, social and environmental factors behind socioeducational processes;
4. To know, understand and apply the fundamentals of strategic planning and the techniques and tools for community intervention in the area of Socioeducative Animation;
5. To design community studies in order to identify needs/ potentials, as well as endogenous resources: human, natural and heritage;
6. To develop and foster partnerships and social networks;
7. To design, organize, manage, implement and evaluate community intervention projects, focused on social justice and cohesion, non-discrimination, and social transformation.
1. Technical, educational, methodological, and epistemological characteristics guiding the internship in the field of Socioeducative Animation;
2. The educational, cultural and sociopolitical issues linked to internship projects and institutions/ organizations/ communities where they are to be developed;
3. The methodology of planning community intervention projects of Socioeducative nature: participatory model/ dynamic; linear model.
4. The design, drafting and presentation of a internship project consistent with the curriculum of the Study Plan of Socioeducative Animation;
5. Values underlying the Socioeducative Animation project.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Report of a seminar or field trip - 20.0%
- - Project - 60.0%
- - Laboratory work or Field work - 20.0%
- - Report of a seminar or field trip - 20.0%
- - Project - 60.0%
- - Laboratory work or Field work - 20.0%
Council of Europe (2000). Project management t-kit. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
Council of Europe (2002). Compass: A manual on human rights education with young people. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
European Youth Centre (1995). Educational pack: Ideas, resources, methods and activities for informal intercultural education with young people and adults. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
Locke, D., & Scott, L. (2013). Handbook of people in project management. Surrey: Gower.
Marriot, N., & Goyder, H. (2009). Manual for monitoring and evaluating education partnerships. Paris: UNESCO & IIEP.
NOAA (2009). Designing education projects. A comprehensive approach to needs assessment, project planning and implementation, and evaluation. USA: NOAA.
Santos, S., & Santos, M. (1999). Diagnóstico social. Lisboa: IEFP, ISS.
Schiefer, U., et al. (2006). Método de planeamento e avaliação de projectos. Estoril: Princípia.
Serrano, G. (2008). Elaboração de projetos sociais. Porto: Porto Editora