Projeto Integrador e Competências Transversais I

Base Knowledge

For an Integrating Project and Transversal Skills I in the Electrical and Computer Engineering course, students must have some basic knowledge in the following areas:

Electrical Circuits: Possess a basic understanding of the principles and analysis of electrical circuits.

Programming: Must have a basic understanding of a programming language, preferably C.

Digital Systems: should have a basic understanding of digital systems principles, including combinational and sequential logic, discrete-time systems, and data encoding.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching method will be based on a Project Based Learning approach.

Learning Results

The student must be able to:

  • Search, obtain, compile and summarize scientific and technical information
  • Plan the development of a project in phases
  • Organize and distribute tasks in a group
  • Write a technical report
  • Present and defend a proposed solution to the proposed problem
  • Apply the knowledge acquired in the development of a technical-scientific project, in order to extend their knowledge to areas not covered in the degree.
  • Implement a small prototype based on a microcontroller platform to demonstrate the proposed solution


Presentation and discussion of a generic problem to be solved in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering applied to Sustainable and Smart Cities.

  1. Presentation and discussion of a generic problem to be solved in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering applied to Sustainable and Smart Cities.
  2. Structure and write a technical report, using best practices, including the use of referencing standards
  3. Manage the execution time of a project and the work in a team (distribution of tasks and use of team/project management methods)
  4. How to plan and implement a project based on rapid development platforms (e.g. Arduino).
  5. Planning and practical execution of a project using knowledge from the UCs of the 1st and 2nd semeste

                a) Fundamentals of programming the Arduino plataform

                b) Pratical tests of the prototype

       6. Structure and write a public presentation and deliver the oral presentation


Curricular Unit Teachers




1. Arduino webpage, acessível em

2. Arduino For Everyone A Practical Approach (English Edition), Abdul Nayeem Shaik

3. Como apresentar em público teses, relatórios, comunicações usando o Powerpoint, Alexandre Pereira e Carlos Poupa, 2ªEd, Edições Sílabo, 2015, ISBN 978-972-618-809-4