Psychology II

Base Knowledge

Psychology I

Teaching Methodologies

The curricular unit will be developed according to a theoretical model with a structured exposition of the contents and respective analysis and discussion or debate. An interrogative and interactive methodology will be used prior to the presentation of the main contents and concepts, and demonstration/exemplification of the same through their practical application in everyday situations and resorting, whenever justified, to audiovisual means.

It also includes the autonomous study with research on the exposed contents and the reading and critical analysis of texts.

Learning Results

The student must acquire:

Knowledge of:

* Behaviors, health and illness;

* Psychosocial changes associated with the disease.



Skills for:

* Understand the basic psychosocial aspects related to health promotion, disease prevention and overcoming, and treatment adherence;

* Analyze and interpret the relationships between behavior, emotions and health status.

*Discuss and analyze the application of psychosociological theories and models in the adoption and maintenance of health behaviors as well as in the modification of risk behaviors;

*Analyze and interpret the relationships between behavior, emotions, health status and neuropsychology.

Competencies for:

* Reflect on the disease in psychosocial terms;

* Be an active agent in promoting health behaviors;

* Identify and deal with emotions and stress;

• Dealing appropriately with the client and his family.


1. Conceptions of health and health psychology

2. Behavior and Health Psychology

3. Dimensions and psychological aspects of hunger, food choice and eating behaviors.

4. Importance of Psychology in health services.

5. The patient-health professional relationship

6. Stress

6.1. What is it and how does it affect us

6.2. professional stress

7. Neuroscience and neuropsychology

7.1. the brain map

7.2. When the brain ages

7.3. Resilience – How the mind overcomes adversity

7.4. pleasure and reward

7.5. neural mechanisms of choice and decision making

Curricular Unit Teachers




Primary Bibliography
 Pocinho, M. 2022. Slides of Psychology. Donated by the teacher, in the Nónio that summarizes the secondary bibliography, already requested for the library but not yet acquired.
Secondary Bibliography

Álamo, C. (2019). A química do cérebro: drogas e dependência. Atlântico Press, cop.

Álamo, C. (2019). A química do cérebro: drogas e dependência. Atlântico Press, cop.

Álamo, J. Q. del. (2019). Fome, emoções e cérebro: comer com cabeça. Atlântico Press, cop.

Banyard, P. (1996). Applying Psychology to Health. London: Hodder & Stoughton.

Bennett P. & Murphy, S. (1999). Psicologia e Promoção da Saúde. Lisboa: Climepsi Editores.

Bentivoglio, M., & Zucconi, G. G. (2018). Quando o cérebro envelhece: mitos e certezas sobre um processo universal (e inevitável). Atlântico Press.

Booth, D. (1994) Psychology of Nutrition. London: Taylor & Francis (e-book, 2016).

Canessa, N. (2019). O sonho da razão: como funciona o cérebro. Atlântico Press, cop.

Canessa, N. (2019). O sonho da razão: como funciona o cérebro. Atlântico Press, cop.

Charpentier, G. (2003). As doenças e as suas emoções. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.

Conner, M. (2012). The Social Psychology of Food (applying social psychology), Brunner-Routledge.

Logue, A. W. (2015). The Psychology of Eating and Drinking (4ª Edição). Nova Iorque: Routledge.

Magrini, M. (2019). Cérebro: manual do utilizador. Desassossego.

Marques, A. R. et al. (1991). Reacções Emocionais à Doença Grave: como lidar. Coimbra: Ed. Psiquiatria Clínica.

McIntyre, T. (1994). Psicologia da Saúde: Áreas de Intervenção e Perspectivas Futuras. Lisboa: Associação dos Psicólogos Portugueses.

Ogden, J. (2010). The Psychology of Eating: from healthy to disordered behaviour, 2ª ed., Willey-Blackwell.

Ogden., J. (2004). Psicologia da Saúde (2ª Edição). Lisboa: Climepsi Editores.

Paúl, C. & Fonseca, A. (2001). Psicossociologia da Saúde. Lisboa: Climepsi Editores.

Pérez, I. P. (2019). O mapa do cérebro : um passeio anatómico pela máquina de pensar. Cofina Media, cop.

Serra, A.V. (2005). O Stress na Vida de Todos os Dias. Coimbra: Edição de Autor.

Spek, V. Van der, & Bernard, A. (12182 B.C.E.). Nutrição e bem-estar mental: como e por que razão a nossa alimentação influencia o cérebro? Piaget.

Taylor, S. (2014). Health Psychology. Boston: McGraw – Hill.

Tiziana Cotrufo, J. M. U. B. (2019). O cérebro e as emoções: sentir, pensar, decidir. Cofina Media, cop.

Wenk, G. L. (2019). O cérebro e os alimentos: como as substâncias químicas controlam o modo como pensamos e sentimos. Libelinha.