Learning Results
Knowing the basics of quality according to the dimensions of the various stakeholders.
Distinguish between different forms of certification and learn produce a certification process.
To apply the technique of audit control methods as applied to Quality Systems.
Apply statistical techniques for quality control.
1. Introduction to Quality Management;
2. Formalization of a Quality System;
3. Quality in Management;
4. Implementing a Total Quality Program;
5. Audits;
6. Applications Statistics.
Pires, A.; Qualidade; Edições Sílabo; 2012
Goetsch, D. & S. Davis; Quality Management for Organizational Excellence: Introduction to Total Quality;
Prentice Hall; 2012
Summers, D.; Quality Management; Prentice Hall; 2008
Pyzdek, T. & P. Keller; The Handbook for Quality Management, Second Edition: A Complete Guide to Operational
Excellence; McGraw-Hill;2012