Base Knowledge
- Operate on the set of real numbers.
- Solve equations and inequations.
- Elementary notions of real fuctions of a real variable.
Teaching Methodologies
Classroom lessons.
Expository teaching method and practical component of solving exercises.
Proposed resolution of exercises with monitoring by the teacher.
Proposed exercise resolution autonomously.
Learning Results
The goal of this course is to provide students with tools and mathematical skills that give them the ability to calculate, understand, interpret and solve problems, not only in the context of other curricular units that are part of the course’s study plan, but also in the scope of the professional activity that they may perform, following the skills granted by the degree to which they propose, for exemple, the problem of optimization and marginal analysis.
1. Numbers and quantities.
1.1 Generalities (fractions, proportions, percentages, interest).
1.2 Equations and inequalities.
1.3 Applications in the accounting and management context.
2. Real functions of a real variable.
2.1 Generalities
2.2 Graphical representation.
2.3 Linear functions.
2.4 Non-linear functions.
2.5 Applications in an accounting and management context.
3. Derivatives.
3.1 Definition and geometric interpretation.
3.2 Derivation techniques.
3.3 Optimization problems.
3.4 Applications in the accounting and management context.
4. Integrals.
4.1 Definition and calculation.
4.2 Differential equations.
4.3 Area measurement of flat regions.
4.4 Applications in the accounting and management context.
5. Determination of approximate values.
5.1 Differentials.
5.2 Taylor polynomial.
5.3 Trapezoids rule.
5.4 Numerical methods.
5.5 Applications in the accounting and management context.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Essential bibliography:
- Carvalho, Margarida Abreu de, Métodos Quantitativos I, ISCAC-IPC, 2019.
- Carvalho, Margarida Abreu de, Métodos Quantitativos II, ISCAC-IPC, 2019.
- Goldstein, L.J., Lay, D.C., Schneider, D.I., Matemática Aplicada: Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, 8ª Edição, Bookman, 2000.
- Rocha,Conceição, Métodos Quantitativos, ISCAC-IPC, 2023.
- Tan, S.T., Matemática Aplicada à Administração e Economia, Pioneira Thomson Learning, 2001.
Complementary bibliography.
- Approach, Pearson 2015.
- Bennett, J., Briggs, W., Using & Understanding Mathematics, A Quantitative Reasoning
- Caraça, B., Conceitos Fundamentais da Matemática, Ed. Gradiva, 1998 (2ª ed.).
- Harshbarger, R. J. and Reynolds, J. J., Mathematical Applications for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences, 11th edition, Cengage Learning Brooks Cole, 2016.
- James Stewart, Calculus: metric version, 8th ed., London: Cengage Learning Brooks Cole, 2015.
- Silva, Jaime Carvalho e, Princípios de análise matemática aplicada, Lisboa: Editora McGraw-Hill de Portugal, 1994.
- Sydsæter, K., Hammond, P., Arne Strom, A., Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, 4th ed, Pearson, 2012.