Regional and Local Economy

Learning Results

Contribute to the interdisciplinary training of students, providing them with knowledge in the following areas:
– Value and territorial transformation;
– The urban system as a relational system;
– The organization of space.


I – The multidimensionality of space
– The economic thought as a decisive element in the analysis of the dynamics of space systems
– Geographic space and economic costs
– Externalities and agglomeration economies
-Economic development and urbanization
II – The theory of location
– Location models of economic activities
-The location of the tertiary equipment
-The location of economic activities in the national territory
III – The formation of urban systems
-The theory of central places
– The urban scaling law
-The location of housing parks
-Empirical evidence on the evolution of urban systems
-The national urban system
IV – Methods and techniques of regional analysis
– Measures of location: location indicators and specialization
-Methods of cluster analysis
-Analysis of the variation components (shift-share)




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