Reinforced Concrete Structures II

Base Knowledge

Strength of materials and reinforced concrete I

Teaching Methodologies

Presential. In theoretical-practical classes, expository and inquisitive methods are used. There will be presentation and resolution of practical examples. Afterwards, students will be encouraged to solve practical problems, individually or in groups.

Students will also be encouraged to carry out bibliographic research on the topics covered. The general discussion of the topics taught (exchange of ideas between professor and students) and the clarification of doubts will be essential for students understand and consolidate the technical knowledge defined in the program.

Learning Results

Objectives: Learn the theory and the practice related with design and production of reinforced concrete structures. Generic skills: Application of knowledge and understanding; judgment and decision making. Specific skills: Acquire knowledge and understanding capacity in the field of reinforced concrete structures, at the level of design and production; continue to learn the fundamental principles about the behavior of reinforced concrete structures; increase the capacity to understand the common reinforced concrete structures; provide the students new knowledge to deal with usual situations in the field of reinforced concrete structures (making judgments and developing solutions).


Torsion in reinforced concrete beams: compatibility and balance torsion; strength model in cracked phase; torsion moment resistant; detailing of reinforcement.

Slabs (introduction): types and classifications: description of several types of slabs and presentation of several examples.

Punching: basic control perimeter; punching resistance; specific reinforcement for punching; punching with and without eccentricities; detailing of reinforcement.

Slabs with ceramic elements and pretensioned elements: overview; checking the safety to ULS and SLS.

Concrete slabs: determination of the distribution of internal forces and moments; differential equation; theory of plasticity in slabs; design slabs; detailing of reinforcement; checking the safety to the ULS and SLS; stairs.

Direct foundations: Column footings (isolated, center and eccentric); column footing with balanced beams.

Considerations about SLS of reinforced concrete elements: cracking and deformation.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Recommended bibliography

  • EC2 – EN 1992-1-1 (2008). Eurocódigo 2: Projecto de estruturas de betão armado – Parte 1-1: Regras gerais e regras para edifícios;
  • REBAP (1983). Regulamento de Estruturas de Betão Armado e Pré-Esforçado, Decreto-Lei n.º 349-C/83, de 30 de Julho;
  • Comité Euro-International du Béton (1990). CEB-FIP MODEL CODE 1990, Lausanne, Suisse, 1990;
  • Júlio Appleton, João Almeida, José Câmara, Augusto Gomes (1989). Betão Armado e Pré-Esforçado II – Volume I, Volume II e Volume III, Instituto Superior Técnico;
  • Leonhardt, F. (1978). Construções de Concreto” (do Volume 1 ao volume 4), Editora Interciência, Lda., Rio de Janeiro, Brasil;
  • Carmo, R. (2010). Lajes de betão armado – elementos de apoio às aulas de Betão Armado II, (125 páginas).
  • Carmo. R. (2013). Resolução de exercícios de acordo com o EC2 (NP EN 1992) – Elementos de apoio às aulas de Betão Armado II (92 páginas).
  • Carmo. R.; Valença. J. (2014). Torção, Punçoamento e Fundações – Betão Armado II (131 slides).


Complementary bibliography

Other texts available in:

  • Marchão, C., Appleton, J. (2014). Elementos de estudo da disciplina Estruturas de Betão I (IST) – Módulo 3 Verificação do comportamento em serviço (Estados Limites de Utilização) ;
  • Marchão, C., Appleton, J. (2014). Elementos de estudo da disciplina Estruturas de Betão II (IST) – Módulo 2 Lajes;
  • Marchão, C., Appleton, J. (2014). Elementos de estudo da disciplina Estruturas de Betão II (IST) – Módulo 3 Fundações de Edifícios;
  • Appleton, J. (2014). Elementos de estudo da disciplina Estruturas de Betão II (IST) – Execução de Estruturas de Betão;
  • Artigos científicos relevantes, disponíveis em: Appleton, J. Eurocódigo 2 – EN1992-1-1; Appleton, J. França, P. Implementação do Eurocódigo 2 – (EN1992-1) em Portugal. Comparação com o REBAP; Appleton, J.; Costa A., França, P. Efeitos Estruturais da Deterioração em Estruturas de Betão Armado; Saravia, J. Appleton, J. Avaliação da Capacidade Sísmica de Edifícios de Betão Armado de Acordo com o Eurocódigo 8 – Parte 3; Lourenço, M., Almeida, J. Campos de Tensões em Zonas de Descontinuidade; Almeida, J., Lourenço, M. Stress Field Models for Structural Concrete