Base Knowledge
Construction details sketching; Construction Materials; Elementary chemistry and physics.
Teaching Methodologies
In classes, the expository method is used and reflection on subjects introduced from the perspective of widely accepted criteria in conservation is encouraged. Interventions that illustrate the resolution of several real practical cases are also presented by the teacher.
In some classes, of a more tutorial type, students are monitored in the preparation, individually or in groups, of practical diagnostic and intervention proposal work.
Learning Results
Objectives: Repair and rehabilitation of buildings with various construction systems, old and newer.
Generic Skills: Application of knowledge and understanding; judgment and decision making; self-learning;
Specific Skills: Acquire knowledge and ability to understand the field of repair and rehabilitation of old and recent buildings, the identification and assessment of various types of degradation, as well as the main techniques for repairing and strengthening various construction elements; skills in diagnosing and identifying construction pathologies, supervising and conducting works.
1.Fundamental Concepts
1.1. Integral building concept.
1.2. Life concept of a building.
2. Conservation theory and its elementary principles.
2.1. Conservation; Rehabilitation; Repair; Renovation; Maintenance.
2.2. Technical criteria and objectives for building rehabilitation
2.3. Quality requirements in interventions
2.4. Levels of rehabilitation
3.Heritage Charters and Conventions
3.1 Venice Charter: ICOMOS Recommendations
4. Main construction systems in buildings
5. Basic understanding of installations in buildings.
6. Structural and constructional anomalies in buildings
7. Deterioration of main structural materials.
7.1. General aspects of the pathology and degradation of concrete structures.
7.1.1. Carbonation; Chloride Penetration; Attack by sulfates; Alkali-Silica Reactions.
7.4. General aspects of corrosion of metallic elements.
7.3. General aspects of the pathology and degradation of wooden structures.
8. Anomalies in non-structural elements.
8.1. General aspects of the pathology and degradation of coatings.
8.1. General aspects of the pathology and degradation of stone construction elements.
9. Main techniques and methods for diagnosing anomalies.
10. Repair of structural anomalies
10.1. General aspects of the repair of concrete structures.
10.3. General aspects of repairing wooden structures.
10.4. General aspects of the repair of metallic structures.
11. Repair of anomalies in non-structural elements and coatings.
11.1. General aspects of the pathology and degradation of stone construction elements and their repair.
12. Summary and systematization of the main causes of anomalies. Solution proposals.
12.1. Anomaly sheets.
13. Building maintenance. Main objectives.
13.1 Preventive maintenance.
13.2 Corrective maintenance.
13.3 Hierarchization of maintenance operations in buildings. Adequacy of its distribution throughout the annual cycle.
13.4 Preventative Maintenance Plans.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Paiva, J. V., Aguiar, J., Pinho, A., coord., 2006, Guia Técnico de Reabilitação Habitacional, Vol.I e Vol.II, INH/LNEC
Júlio, E., Ed., 2020, Guia FNRE – Fundo Nacional de Reabilitação do Edificado, Fundiestamo SA, Lisboa
Silva, V. C. 2004, Guia Prático para a Conservação de Imóveis, Publicações D. Quixote, Lisboa
Cóias, V., 2006, Inspecções e Ensaios na Reabilitação de Edifícios, IST Press, Lisboa
Appleton, J., 2011, Reabilitação de Edifícios Antigos, 2ª Ed., Edições Orion, Lisboa
Palma, P., Dias, A., Custódio, J., Machado, J. S., Cruz, H., 2009, Avaliação, Conservação e Reforço de Estruturas de Madeira, Verlag Dashöfer Portugal, Lisboa
Veiga, M. R., Aguiar, J., Silva, A. S., Carvalho, F., 2004, Conservação e Renovação de Revestimentos de Paredes de Edifícios Antigos, LNEC, Lisboa
Rodrigues, P., Eusébio, I., Ribeiro, A., 2005, Revestimentos por Pintura – Defeitos, causas e reparação, Informação Técnica 05, Patologia e Reabilitação das Construções, LNEC, Lisboa
Masy, M. C., 1996, Protección y Reparación de Estructuras de Hormigón, Ediciones Omega, Barcelona
Henriques, F., Rodrigues, J. D., Barros, L. A., Proença, N., 2004, Materiais Pétreos e Similares, Informação Técnica 02, Patologia e Reabilitação das Construções, LNEC, Lisboa
Fontinha, I. R., Salta, M. M., 2004, Componentes Metálicos na Construção – Comportamento à corrosão e sua prevenção, Informação Técnica 03, Patologia e Reabilitação das Construções, LNEC, Lisboa
Cóias, V., 2007, Reabilitação Estrutural de Edifícios Antigos – Alvenaria/Madeira – Técnicas Pouco Intrusivas, 2ª Ed., Argumentum/GECoRPA, Lisboa
Tiago, P., Júlio, E., 2010, Damage of an RC Building after a Land-Slide – Inspection, Analysis and Retrofitting, Elsevier, Engineering Structures 32 (7): 1814-1820
Lucas, S., 2022, Da Manutenção Preventiva à Gestão Sustentável de Edifícios, Engebook-Publindústria, Porto